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Digital Citizenship & Cyber Wellness’ Olympiad announced

Delhi-based Learning Links Foundation (LLF on April 5 launched ‘Learning Olympiads’- a series of Olympiads in New Delhi. ‘Digital Citizenship & Cyber Wellness Olympiad 2017-18’ (DCCWO) is the theme of the first Olympiad under the series. This Olympiad emerged out of the growing popularity of technology in daily life today but lacking awareness towards being safe online and the knowledge …

Pearson India’s 4th Voice of Teachers Survey: THE LEARNING DISCONNECT

About half of students not engaged in learning in classrooms, need for a framework for technology integration into traditional ways of teaching/learning  The fourth annual edition of Voice of Teachers Survey by the Indian subsidiary of textbook/digital publisher & education solution provider, Pearson, springs no surprises. Indicating similarity with a global trend, the survey based on teacher opinions reveals teachers …

Revolution but no Evolution: Technology adoption hesitation in teachers

Sixteen K-12 schools were chosen as ET Best School Brands 2016 by Times Conferences Ltd recently and were felicitated at an event in Delhi on June 27th. It had time enough for a technology –teacher panel discussion. Some excerpts: t is no less shocking to hear a principal of an elite residential school saying that he is not sure if …

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