Home Innovations in Education (page 2)

Innovations in Education

I-Day SPECIAL: Ancient ‘Gurukul’ practices in schools coming of age

A  Silent Movement of mainstreaming ancient and beneficial yogic sciences is building up slowly in India   Government schools in Delhi are experiencing a ‘Happiness Curriculum’ from July 12th this year and what is important, the 50,000 teachers, who otherwise always give a cold shoulder to additional work or change, aren’t complaining about it. In a sense, it is giving …

Auroville carries on to ‘save’ the world

Auroville, a town situated between Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry on a 20 sq km area will complete 50 years of its existence on February 28, 2018. The occasion presents an opportunity to look at the birth and vision of Auroville and its relevance for India and the world especially in contemporary ‘volatile’ times. Auroville recently (in last week of November) …

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