Home Announcements On WCID today, IIM Kozhikode launches Interactive Platform for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

On WCID today, IIM Kozhikode launches Interactive Platform for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

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On the UN World Creativity and Innovation Day (#WCID) April 21, the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, announced the launch of an online platform for innovators and entrepreneurs to creatively share their innovations and engage with other interested stakeholders. The blogging platform, called ‘LiveBuzz -Startup Digital Diaries’, is conceived and managed by the institute’s business incubator and entrepreneurship development center called LIVE. LiveBuzz platform may be accessed at blog.iimklive.org

 LiveBuzz invites blog posts from innovators and start-up founders that are first-hand accounts of their innovations and experiences. Unlike any traditional online publication, it leverages the social technology and aims to be an interactive platform beyond providing inspiration. The blog posts are authored by founders themselves and are presented in two sections viz., VENTURE BUZZ – stories and events related to start-up journeys targeted at anyone who has interest in the innovations and impact; and FOUNDER BUZZ – personal experiences and events related to founder journeys targeted at anyone who has interest in emotions and experiences.

Interactive features such as comments, sharing, liking would provide engagement opportunities to the readers in addition to browsing the content. Entrepreneurs can expect to benefit from the comments and feedback apart from possible connections with potential investors and other partners. Apart from leveraging social technology for start-up engagement, LiveBuzz is likely to have another unique multimedia feature called Webtiles. Each blogpost would be enhanced by Webtiles – an embedded, interactive ‘nano website’ that provides image slide-show or a short demo video as readers click the highlighted startup name in the article. This improves the reading experience and effective presentation of the blogpost. Webtile feature of LiveBuzz platform is developed by an emerging startup Kozhikode startup Gettrix Techservices LLP, which also gets launched today through this platform.

While announcing the launch of the platform, Professor Debashis Chatterjee, Director, IIM Kozhikode said in a press release, “IIM Kozhikode is dedicated to ideas, insights and innovation. In tune with the sentiments of the World Creativity and Innovation Day, this platform is dedicated to inspire people who get to see, through the startup stories, how creativity and innovation can solve global problems.”

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