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World Brain Day: A Closer Look at Neuropsychiatry and How to Become a Neuropsychiatrist 

In recognition of World Brain Day, St. George’s University (SGU), School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies, highlights the field of neuropsychiatry and the different specialties available within this innovative medical branch. Advances in technology have paved the way for new possibilities when it comes to investigating brain function in a living human. Neuropsychiatry is an integrative medical specialty that …

Pre-Budget Expectations on Union Budget 2024-25 from cross-section of stakeholders in Education & Skills

Union Interim Budget 2024-25, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1, this year, will be followed by the full Budget on July 23 after a new BJP-led NDA Government was sworn on June 9 under the Premiership of Narendra Modi successively for a 3rd term.  Naturally, there are expectations, wishes and recommendations from a cross section of the society on …

India’s scientific research roadmap – Challenges and Opportunities ahead for early-career researchers

While India’s progress in scientific research and development is getting significant and impressive by the day and ranks behind only USA and China in such output, the R & D expenditure-GDP ratio of close to 0.7% is still significantly below the world average of 1.8%.  Therefore, limited funding opportunities, competition, lack of access to labs and other resources, can be …

Better start teaching Business Basics to Future Founders from school itself

Teaching financial literacy early makes way for a generation of informed, self-assured, and competent minds. Schools, parents, and technology all have a very crucial role to play in this endeavour. Their commitment to promoting financial literacy equips future founders with the tools to build flourishing businesses, break new ground, and make positive contributions to society says Lalit Arora, Assistant Professor, …

‘if you are able to reduce current salt consumption by 30%, there will be a reduction of at least 25% prevalence in hypertension’

The current data says that almost 70-80% of the salt which we consume is from hidden sources and not direct consumption. This is due to increased ease of ordering food to home and eating out. There should be a certain level of action that we as individuals can do and also certain actions which we need to do at a …

Leading Design schools are adopting right pedagogies to help students in driving Design Innovation for India

India’s design education holds immense promise for the future. By embracing continuous improvement, fostering strong industry linkages, and nurturing a future generation of design pioneers, India’s design schools can ensure that the nation thrives not just as a design powerhouse but as a global leader in innovation for years to come says Thomas Dal, Dean of Strate School of Design, …

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