A 24-member delegation of FICCI ARISE (Alliance for Re-imagining School Education) undertook a trip to Israel from August 21-26 to understand and experience the Israeli model of education system in K-12 space besides exploring ways of cooperation. The visit was facilitated by the Foreign Trade Administration- Ministry of Economy and Industry: Israel & Embassy of Israel, New Delhi.
During their trip the delegation visited a range of institutions including the Ministry of Education, Israel; Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute; Taasiyeda; Peres Center for Peace and Innovation; Start-up Nation Central; MINDCET; Shimon Peres High School. There was also an interactive and engaging session held with Sanjeev Singla, Indian Ambassador to Israel on exploring ways to deepen educational links between the two vibrant democracies.
They also gained exposure to the dynamic and flexible policies, successful pedagogical tools and models by use of cutting-edge technologies like data analytics, artificial intelligence, design thinking etc. for transforming their schools to prepare their students for the 21st century needs.
Through this endeavor, FICCI aims to provide an opportunity to foster strategic partnerships between India and Israel for a meaningful dialogue, cooperation, and engagement in K-12 Education.
Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman, FICCI ARISE & Chairman, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Institutions, commenting on the trip said, ” This visit to Israel provided exposure to policy framework for multiple models of excellent quality education being delivered by the Israeli K-12 segment. We need to learn how Israel has effectively mainstreamed entrepreneurship education into School Education thereby giving the advantage of early mentoring and Skilling of students. This will strengthen the Start-up India Mission. ”
Praveen Raju, Co-Chairman, FICCI ARISE & Founder, Suchitra Academy, added, “This visit has not just paved the way to understand the best practices of innovation-led learning environment but also provided possibilities to identify areas for mutually beneficial collaboration.’’