Home Announcements Amity Future Academy: a new addition to high-end online skilling program platforms

Amity Future Academy: a new addition to high-end online skilling program platforms

2 min read

Delhi-based Amity Education Group, which runs some of the good private universities and a small chain of K-12 schools in India, has last month launched a new entity in online skilling domain and called it Amity Future Academy. The new platform will offer training programs designed to help young professionals gain in-demand skills. A statement from AEG claims that the courses on offer are industry-relevant skills programs certified by the world’s most renowned academic institutions such as Wharton online, eCornell, Arizona State University, The Open University and more institutes of repute.

“From digital classrooms to collaborative learning, students and industry professionals will get an exposure to skill-based learning on this platform. Faculty from these universities and experts from top businesses will be sharing their knowledge and experience via videos, articles, assignments, quizzes and discussions,” said Ajit Chauhan, Chairman, Amity Future Academy.

Amity Future Academy brings 10,000+ courses from across the domains Blockchain technology, Data Science, Machine Learning, Digital Marketing, Programming, Cyber Security, Business Analytics, and HR Management & Analytics. They are currently offering free trial for 7 days and soon will be inviting applications for the offered programmes.

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