In India more than 7300 students received their Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International AS & A Level results on May 26. In total more than 52,000 entries were submitted for Cambridge IGCSEs and Cambridge International AS & A Levels by almost 336 schools across the country.
The release of latest results means that thousands of Cambridge students across the country, can continue their educational journeys as soon as possible despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The March series is popular with Indian students as it enables them to get their results in time to meet local university admission deadlines.
This year Cambridge International took the decision to run exams for its March series in India, as the majority of Cambridge schools across the country said they wanted to hold exams where it was safe to do so and followed Government guidance. It engaged with education authorities, the government, local authorities and schools to develop robust guidance to ensure the March series ran safely.
Mahesh Srivastava, Regional Director, South Asia, Cambridge International said: “I would like to congratulate all of our students on their results today. Each has overcome difficult times and many challenges as a result of the pandemic, including school closures and teaching and learning from home. I hope all of our students receiving their results today will now be able to continue with their next steps, whether that is further study or launching their career. Today’s results are the outcome of the hard work of all involved during these difficult times, and I hope they will give students and their teachers the encouragement to continue achieving great things. The March exam series this year was successfully conducted thanks to the fantastic support and efforts of all Cambridge schools, teachers and parents.”
The biggest challenge this academic year has been the changeover to online teaching and assessments. “Our teachers have adapted very quickly to the change and have been ably supported by the online training programmes conducted by Cambridge International and all the support materials they have provided. Where online teaching has been quite effective, online assessments have not yet evolved in the same seamless manner. The advantage of holding physical exams has been immense to both students and teachers, and they have been conducted to the high standards of Cambridge, said Sravani Rao, Principal, Delhi Public School International, Saket, New Delhi while adding that the students have greatly benefited from the predictability of the format of the exams, the schedule and the publication of results, as this has been of great value at a time when everything seemed unsettled. It has given them the advantage of adhering to their plans for applying to colleges and making future plans.
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, First Language English and Biology were the most popular Cambridge IGCSE subjects in the March exam series this year. For Cambridge International AS & A Level, Mathematics, English General paper, Physics, Chemistry and Economics emerged as the most popular subjects.
VIBGYOR High – Goregaon has achieved 100% results in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). Dhanashri Dutta, Aniq Jiwani and Aravir Puri have emerged as school toppers with 93.12%, 92.12% and 91% respectively.
Congratulating the students on their stellar performance displayed in the face of many challenges, Kavita Sahay Kerawalla, Vice Chairperson, VIBGYOR Group of Schools, said, “It is a matter of immense pride for us that our student cohort has delivered yet another successful performance in the Cambridge International examinations despite the tumult and uncertainty of the past year, and we congratulate all our Grade 10 graduates for this achievement. Such an accomplishment clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of an agile approach, which enabled them to adapt quickly to the changed circumstances and optimally leverage virtual learning. We firmly believe that adaptability is a vital life skill, and we strive to inculcate it in our students through various curricular and extracurricular initiatives. On this occasion, we also extend our gratitude to our faculty, who worked very hard to transition their teaching methodologies for effective online delivery, for their contribution.”
Expressing elation with her score, topper Dhanashri Dutta said, “I feel there is no substitute for hard work. Even as there was some uncertainty around examinations and I was worried, I continued studying for around 10 hours a day. To avoid negativity, I stayed away from social media and used all the time available to prepare well for the exams.”