Home Spotlight Examination related anxiety relieving TIPs from Dr Jyoti Kapoor, well-known wellness expert

Examination related anxiety relieving TIPs from Dr Jyoti Kapoor, well-known wellness expert

3 min read

A small amount of stress can challenge you and stimulate you to work harder. Exam stress becomes problematic when it interferes with your ability to perform and achieve your academic and learning goals.

  • Make yourself a study schedule, breaking down the topic you want to study day by day (Exam stress is normal to feel some stress about upcoming tests, exams, papers or presentations. Therefore, when you’re studying, ensure that you’re taking breaks in between Indeed For example, after studying hard for an hour, take a break and play on the internet for 20 minutes or watch an episode of a TV show that you enjoy. This will help you get your mind off the exam while acting as a motivational carrot that may help you pick up studying again after your break)
  • Be realistic about how much you can study each day when allocating your time
  • It’s very difficult to sustain your concentration for hours at a time so when you find your mind wandering it’s probably a sign you need a short break
  • Eating healthy and limiting your caffeine intake is essential
  • Taking time out from studying to exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing, but there’s a reason exercise is a classic stress reliever
  • Physical activity is a great way to clear your mind and boost your mood
  • After just 20 minutes of exercise, you can hit the books with renewed focus
  • Talking to a friend, significant other, family member, or advisor when you’re feeling really worried can be a huge help

Don’t be afraid to speak to a professional or the mental health services at your school if you are concerned about your mental health during exam season or at any point in the year.

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