Home Announcements Google Web Rangers contest announced, entries deadline by Jan 21, 2019

Google Web Rangers contest announced, entries deadline by Jan 21, 2019

3 min read

Google has announced the fourth edition of its Web Rangers contest — an initiative that is designed to spread awareness about Internet safety and promote digital citizenship. The competition aims to encourage teenagers to discover their hidden ninjas and unlock their creativity in highlighting the importance of cyber safety.

The contest is open to students across the country within the age group of 10 and 17 years. Whether you have one or many great ideas, there’s a way you can participate. One can choose the category that interests them and  put their creativity and skills to test.

Details on the two categories:

  • Campaign:Run your own internet safety campaign, either individually or as a team of three. It could be one large initiative or a collection of multiple projects like a social media campaign, a video series, awareness drives or all of them — there is no restriction on the format or the number of initiatives.
  • Project:If you prefer to work individually and have that one amazing idea, then this is for you. The format is completely open – create a video, website, app or a game – but remember, it should empower users to stay safe on the Internet and learn what it takes to be a good digital citizen

Every year, the Web Rangers contestants have sent across incredible entries, and Google is certain this year is going to be even better. For inspiration and ideas, check out the winning entries from last year and the year before that. To learn more about the rules and format, or to submit your entries, visit this page. The deadline for submitting your entry is 23:59pm on January 21, 2019

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