Home Announcements International Conclave on ‘Globalising Indian Thought ‘on January 16-18 at IIMK

International Conclave on ‘Globalising Indian Thought ‘on January 16-18 at IIMK

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The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIM Kozhikode) is hosting an International Conclave on ‘Globalising Indian Thought’ from January 16-18, 2020. The three-day Academic conclave to be inaugurated by the  Prime Minister, through video conferencing, will witness representations from renowned academicians, public figures and the presentation of more than 100 world-class research papers.

IIM Kozhikode embraced Globalizing Indian Thought as its institutional mission a decade ago. Over the years, the Institute has fostered and nurtured various elements of Indian ethos in management and leadership. Conversations on globalization have for a long time been synonymous with westernization. Indian thought does have a lot to contribute to such conversations. The churning of ideas with the amalgamation of wisdom and creativity will be an opportunity for inquisitive thinkers to look at the Indian thought with a fresh perspective and a renewed mind. Indian leaders thrive on being known as realized beings by embracing the spirit of sustainability and reverence for life.

The thematic discussion moving on to the next day on 17th January, will feature panelists Prof. Alok Chaturvedi (Purdue Indiana University), Dr. Vijay Chauthaiwale (Scientist) moderated by Shri Prabhu Chawla, Editorial Director of the New Indian Express Group. The second panel for the day will feature Shri Arun Maira (Former Chairperson Boston Consulting Group) and Prof Shyam Sunder (Yale University).

The valedictory function on 18th December will be graced by Dr. Kiran Bedi, Lieutenant Governor, Puducherry and renowned academician and activist Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta.  The Best research papers will be awarded during the closing ceremony.

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