CREST Olympiads, has announced the launch of the International Green Warrior Olympiad (IGWO) to develop a strong bond with the natural world in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
IGWO represents the effort to teach the next generation the fundamentals of sustainability. Its goal is to build communities that live in balance with healthy ecosystems and inspire unending hope.
International Green Warrior Olympiad (IGWO), a joint initiative of Association of Indian Principals (AIP) and CREST Olympiads, is conducted in association with the Office of PSA (Principal Scientific Advisor) to the Government of India, Unity of Nations Action for Climate Change Council, General Global (Education Program of Tony Blair’s Institute of Global Change and Water Bank Foundation. This event aims to have like-minded organizations and schools become part of broader global efforts to address climate challenges and to create awareness about United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through various community activities and conducting exams.
GWO will focus on 8 out of 17 goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life on Land). This exam will help in raising awareness, educating individuals, and mobilizing action which are indeed essential components of driving positive change. By conducting exams and competitions related to these 8 SDG goals, GWO will draw attention to these topics and encourage participants to become more conscious of their ecological footprint. Also, this program has the ability to create a significant impact in the battle against climate change and in the quest for a more sustainable future.
To participate in this transformative journey Visit the CREST Olympiads website https://www.crestolympiads.com/green-olympiad-gwo to apply as volunteer for a variety of Green Olympiad activities if you would want to take part in this life-changing experience fill this form https://forms.gle/4AHfcR3spLW7A1ru9