Home News Updates Israel opens to international students

Israel opens to international students

2 min read

Israel has announced that after July 22 new international students would be permitted to enter the country to commence their academic studies during the 2020-2021 academic year.  The announcement follows a government enacted restriction in mid-March that prevented non-Israeli visitors from entering the country. Since then, the Council for Higher Education of Israel has been working closely with senior officials in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Population and Immigration Authority on the issue.

Speaking on the announcement, Prof. Yaffa Zilbershats, ChairPlanning  &  Budgeting Committee, Council for Higher Education, said, “Internationalization is one of the main strategic priorities for the higher education system in Israel and we are committed to integrating top international students in our universities and colleges.”  She further added, “Although the coronavirus pandemic has hindered international mobility, we are glad that international students will still be able to come to Israel and we welcome them to engage in our world-class academics and research.”

International students will be required to complete a 14-day self-isolation period upon arrival to Israel under the supervision of their academic institution, in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines.

Throughout the pandemic, Israeli universities and colleges have made significant efforts to provide the necessary support for international students and ensure their health, safety, and academic success. They are now focused on guaranteeing their students’ arrival in Israel.

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