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During a Webinar hosted today, Dr. V. Mohan, Chairman & Chief of Diabetology, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and President, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation spoke about managing diabetes during these COVID-19 times and the lockdown period.

During his address, Dr. Mohan stressed on the following aspects of diabetes care vis-à-vis COVID-19…

  • There needs to be preparedness in case one falls ill. All relevant contact details must be kept handy.
  • Extra attention has to be given to glucose control. Regular monitoring can help avoid complications caused by high or low blood glucose.
  • If one does show flu-like symptoms (raised temperature, cough and difficulty in breathing), it is important to consult a healthcare professional. If one is coughing up phlegm, it may be an indication of an infection, in which case one should seek medical support and treatment immediately.
  • Any infection is going to raise one’s glucose levels and increase the need for fluids…so access to sufficient supply of water is important.
  • One needs to ensure that there is good supply of the diabetes medications she / he needs. Medicine stocks should be in accordance with the requirement if one had to quarantine oneself for a few weeks.
  • One has to have the provisions to be able to correct the situation if the blood glucose drops suddenly.
  • If someone is living alone, it is important to make sure that someone who can be relied upon knows her / his diabetic condition, as one may require assistance on falling ill.
  • It’s important to keep a regular schedule, avoid overwork and have a good night’s sleep.
  • Healthy nutrition is an essential component of diabetes management. It is therefore important for people with diabetes to eat a varied and balanced diet to keep their blood glucose levels stable and enhance their immune system.

As part of its Patient Education Programme (PEP) and respecting the lockdown and the social distancing norms set by the Government of India to combat the rapid spread of COVID-19, Neuberg Diagnostics Private Limited, a StartUp in the PathLab chain segment, organized this PEP Talk in the form of a Webinar.

Speaking on the occasion, Aishwarya Vasudevan, Group COO, Neuberg Diagnostics Private Limited said, “In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments in many countries including ours have restricted the movement of their citizens, confining them to the home environment. For people living with diabetes it becomes imperative to take extra precautions in such a scenario. While regular physical activity is of great benefit to the general population, it is even more important for people living with diabetes. We are happy to host someone of the stature of Dr. Mohan to talk about diabetes care during these ‘never seen before’ times. During the lockdown, his recommendations are doubly important for people living with diabetes and anyone in close contact with people living with diabetes.”

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