Home News Updates Ministry of Education invites suggestions on Draft NCF for School Education

Ministry of Education invites suggestions on Draft NCF for School Education

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In a much anticipated move, the union Ministry of Education has finally made public the draft of the (NCF) for School Education (SE) on April 6 for feedback. In the accompanying statement, MoE has solicited feedback specifying the stage of school education, curricular area, school governance, assessment, etc.

Given the diverse needs of students, multiple pedagogic approaches, learning-teaching material at the different stages of school education, it is felt important to take feedback from students, parents, teachers, teacher educators, experts, scholars and professionals on the various sections and recommendations of this NCF-School Education (SE). While giving your feedback, it needs to be kept in view that this is a pre-draft of the NCF-SE which is still requires several rounds of discussion within the National Steering Committee. Feedback from diverse stakeholders will further help NSC to look critically into different modalities and approaches that this framework is proposing,” said the statement. .

The feedback can be send via email on:  ncf.ncert@ciet.nic.in

The 628-page draft can be accessed on this link

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