Home News Updates National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) to be launched soon

National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) to be launched soon

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The National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) to provide a platform for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning, assessment, planning, administration besides supporting appropriate integration of technology into all levels of education as proposed in the NEP 2020, could be a reality soon. Prof. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE , while speaking at the Hybrid Learning Curtain Raiser event organized by Tech Avant-Garde (TAG) in Bengaluru on July 21, he said that work is on and this autonomous platform could soon be announced. He was answering a question on the sharing of best practices and case studies by institutions and learning from each other in the rapid technology transition that came with Covid pandemic.

After, the National Research Foundation (NRF) to build research capabilities across academics and consolidate research in a pooled way, again an important recommendation NEP 2020, NETF, will go a long way in consolidating the new normal and provide a channel of engagement for HEIs.

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