Home News Updates NCERT collaborates with TAG & Microsoft to enhance DTHL for teachers

NCERT collaborates with TAG & Microsoft to enhance DTHL for teachers

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India’s apex school academic body, National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), Tech Avant-Garde (TAG) and Microsoft will collaborate to enhance Digital Transformation and Holistic Learning (DTHL) in education, as per Digital India Campaign and National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. Digital India campaign (2015) envisions creating basic IT/ ICT infrastructure, delivery of citizen services through portals, apps etc., and digital literacy of all citizens in a time bound manner.

TAG will provide Microsoft course content in the format shared by NCERT under the license CC-by-NC-SA. Certificate for the course will be jointly offered by NCERT and Microsoft/TAG as per NCERT format. URL of L’avenir / Microsoft Learn shall be added as part of course instruction for further learning.

TAG in collaboration with CIET-NCERT will run customized courses for  NCERT constituents such as:   National Institute of Education (NIE), New Delhi[   Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), New Delhi; Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal; Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Ajmer; Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhopal; Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhubaneswar; Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore; and North-East Regional Institute of Education (NERIE), Shillong to name a few.

Commenting on the collaboration, Ali Sait, CEO, Tech Avant-Garde, said, “It is an honour and privilege to join hands with NCERT and Microsoft. TAG – Global Training Partner will collaborate with both on digital transformation of education and holistic learning. It is a wonderful opportunity to empower the most important stakeholders of education – The Teachers. We want to empower educators through a series of activities related to research, material development, training and extension activities which will in turn enhance learning capabilities of various stakeholders of education. In India there are more than 9.5 million teachers, in the new genre of learning every teacher should – acquire Digital Skills, understand the Knowledge Age education and practice digital pedagogy. This partnership will foster all of the above skills in Teachers to make them winners of the Knowledge Age.”

Christina Thoresen, Director of Education Industry Strategy Team, Microsoft Corporate HQ  said, “We are very excited to contribute to the partnership with NCERT and Tech Avant Garde (TAG) in the aspiration to upskill educators and enable new ways of teaching and learning that are demand given the dramatic changes and disruption happening in education landscape in India. Free professional development resources that we make available through Microsoft Educator Center will resonate with millions of educators in India and help them get on a lifelong learning pathway.”

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