Home News Updates NSDC collaborates with TCS iON to enable virtual training for skilling ecosystem

NSDC collaborates with TCS iON to enable virtual training for skilling ecosystem

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National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)  has collaborated with TCS iON, a strategic unit of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to provide NSDC’s training partners access to the TCS iON Digital Glass Room, enabling them to move classroom vocational skills training to online mode for millions of students across the country. Both the training partners and the learners can continue to adopt digital technologies in addition to the physical hands-on sessions in a “Learning as Usual” mode.

The TCS iON Digital Glass Room will enable trainers to deliver lectures, create and share content, share and evaluate assignments, conduct formative tests, and monitor learners’ progress. The platform also enables online collaboration among students and trainers through debates, quizzes, polls and surveys. Students and trainers can share posts, like, vote and chat with each other, ensuring seamless education.

“In today’s disruptive environment, digital solutions provide live virtual classrooms and self-study courses, enabling continuity of training and learning. NSDC’s collaboration with TCS is aimed at facilitating innovative methods to promote skill training and access for learners.” said, Dr. Manish Kumar, MD & CEO, NSDC.

The alliance strengthens NSDC’s online content aggregation platform – eSkill India, through which it enables e-learning amongst skill seekers and will contribute towards strengthening the Skill India mission. NSDC’s robust network of over 500 training partners across the country will now be able to access the TCS iON Digital Glass Room to seamlessly transition to a virtual teaching and learning environment and continue with their skilling programs, during the lockdown and thereafter.

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