Home Uncategorized Pearson India offers free Mock JEE Advanced All India Remote Proctored Test on 12-13 Sep

Pearson India offers free Mock JEE Advanced All India Remote Proctored Test on 12-13 Sep

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Pearson India has announced the free MyInsights JEE Advanced All India Remote Proctored Test, and is scheduled to take place on 12th and 13th September respectively. 

As per MHA guidelines, students are already in the process of giving their JEE Mains exams which will go on until September 6 and those who qualify will appear for the JEE Advanced Examination on the 27th of September, 2020. Therefore, the mock proctored test by Pearson is perfectly timed and will provide  aspirants with a good enough two weeks’ time to self-assess themselves and get feedback on their performance before sitting for the JEE Advanced exam which will help them analyse their strengths of concepts and identify scope of improvement. It will also enable them to do advance preparation and get instant reports on their attempt with relevant scores. 

Rajesh Pankajakshan, Director – Product, Pearson India, said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has entailed a considerable change in terms of elevating the role of technology in education and other sectors. Proctored exams play a crucial role during these times to help aspirants remain steadfast on their preparation. In an endeavor to strengthen confidence in their preparation, Pearson India has stepped forward to conduct the first ever remote proctored test for JEE Advanced which will offer a realistic exam like experience with All India Ranking for students to understand and measure their performance accordingly. We see this as a critical tool for students to strengthen self-assurance and unlock high scores in order to become top rankers and encourage them to do their best as they progress towards a bright future”.

The Pearson Myinsights proctored test structure will include 2 full length test, previous year papers and insightful reports for test takers to examine their own performance. Students can visit here (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1zTEjNCX00e1xRT-DjPjSxecjiq5fdpKloYuZu6OLlZUREM4R0hPNEs1UTdYNUNMV09BWTRBQkhSQy4u) to register for MyInsights JEE Advanced All India Remote Proctored Test to evaluate their preparation for free.

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