Home Challenges& Contests PerSapien and E Cell IIT-Madras ‘CO-CREATE PROGRAM’ winners announced

PerSapien and E Cell IIT-Madras ‘CO-CREATE PROGRAM’ winners announced

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Co-create program, a three-month long competition in  collaboration with Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Madras by Debayan Saha, inventor of Minus2point5 device and co-founder of PerSapien (a solutions start-up for mitigation of threats to environment), focused on three broad environmental categories—Air pollution and climate change, Water conservation and waste management and participants were asked for ideas contributing towards enhancing the lives of the 21st century people while  keeping mankind and planet central fundamentally.

In all 14 teams made it to the finals. Started in November 2019, the completion moved to its conclusion in January and on 24th winners was announced. In the Air and Climate change category, Team Purify (B.Tech from PESIT Bangalore) bagged the first prize and Team Eco-AC (B.Tech IIT Madras) landed as runners up. Team Jal Rakshak (IIT Madras PhD) emerged as the winner in the Water Crisis segment while Water Chakra (Anna University Chennai and IIT Madras, PhD) was declared the runner up.

“The initiative is to serve the environment by initiating “Co-Create” program where universities/ institutes come together and it motivates the creative minds to deploy their innovations and technology. PerSapien guided the teams and supported them through intellectual property (patent), prototype development, product support and business and network development. We will have more such events in future to contribute the environment,” said Debayan Saha.

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