Plaksha University, being set up by over 60 entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the world with an investment of over Rs 2000 crore in the next ten years, announced that its 50 acre state-of-the-art campus in IT city, Mohali will open on Oct 4, 2021. The project is funded by a collective philanthropy effort involving industry leaders and entrepreneurs from organizations such as BCG, Bharti, Havells, Infoedge, Fractal Analytics, Naggaro, Mayfield, Arcesium, Apptio and many more.
Plaksha is being set up in collaboration with universities like UC Berkeley, Purdue and SRI and is expected to foster an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the region. Plaksha’s vision is to focus on contemporary and interdisciplinary technology degrees, set up research centres around ‘grand challenges’ such as digital health, cyber security, data science, digital agriculture and manufacturing 4.0 and stimulate entrepreneurship with an aggressive vision of seeding over a 1000 startups in the next ten years.
Prof. Rudra Pratap, the Founding Vice Chancellor said, “At Plaksha we are reimagining technology education by bringing in a unique and differentiated curriculum. The current disciplines of engineering are built on the chassis of world war 2 and need reimagination. Our contemporary degrees reflect our thinking. Our campus will be a living lab where students will learn as much outside the classrooms as they do inside.”