Delhi Public School, R. K. Puram’s annual Inter-School Science Festival, “Festival Della Scienza 2.0” held on April 29 brought together science enthusiasts from 37 different schools to share their common interests in science and take it to the next level by participating in various competitions. A number of innovative and creative competitions were part of the exciting event for the students in both online and offline mode. Delhi Public School Mathura Road, and Delhi Public School R.K. Puram emerged as the overall joint winners.
The online category consisted of: Expressione: a collage, comic strip, mind map and poster making activity doe classes 6-8; Fotographia Scientifica: photography of scientific phenomenon in daily life doe classes 9-10.
The physical events for classes 9-10 comprised Rappresentare /Role Play (role play on accidental discoveries in science) , Alimentare Analisi/ Food Adulteration Test (experiments on food adulteration), Esprimere (observe and express a scientific phenomenon/concept in a creative manner), Cucina Sana/ Healthy Fireless Cooking (a competition on cooking without fire)
Likewise for class 11& 12 offline activities were Cretiva Ingegnaria: scientific innovations through tools, devices or prototypes, Voltagabbana: turncoat debate, and Giochiamo Biologia: Games in Biology.
In Expressione/Collage, Presentation, Mind Maps, Posters and Comic Strips competition the participants showcase their talents in the form of collage, presentation, mind maps, posters and comic strips. The multiple themes of Revolutionary Innovation of Physics, Chemistry in Space and Recent Biological Advances were aptly represented in the innovative works submitted. Vishvag Taneja, DPS International Saket was declared as the winner.
In the Fotographia Scientifica/ Photography of Scientific Phenomenon, participants had to submit a photograph depicting a scientific phenomenon observed in daily life and give a suitable caption while explaining it in a few words. The photographs were judged on the basis of resolution, creativity and originality. Samanyu, DPS Vasant Kunj won the competition.
In the Rappresentare /Role Play with the theme as Serendipity, accidental Discoveries in Science, the event was an exhilarating experience providing insights to the journey of mankind in scientific endeavours. The participants had to enact accidental discoveries and highlight its relevance in present times. They were judged on creativity, presentation, knowledge and research. Vivaan Moda & Akshat Raj Delhi Public School Mathura Road were the winners.
In Alimentare Analisi, participants performed food adulteration experiments on selected food items to showcase the theme: Common Adulterants in Food Items. A scientific explanation had to be provided and its significance highlighted. Pranya Batra, Delhi Public School, Mathura Road came on the top.
Esprimere a demonstration of an activity highlighting a concept of Science observed at home/surroundings and explaining the phenomenon using common, everyday materials available at home. The criteria of judging were innovation, clarity of concept and overall presentation. Aryaman Singh Somyal & Kanav Sharma, Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram & Shreya Sharma & Radhika Kamra of Indraprastha World School were declared the winners.
In the Cucina Sana/ Healthy Fireless Cooking participants had to show off their culinary skills as they prepared two delicious dishes along with one healthy drink. The theme: Nutritious can be Delicious was aptly showcased as the food items presented did not only provide great nutrition but also mouth-watering flavours. The competition was won by
Manassvi Rani & Laavanya Bhagwati, Modern School Barakhamba
In the Creative Ingegnaria/ Creative Engineering, participants brought scientific innovations to new heights as they designed a useful and creative device, tool or machinery based on a concept of Physics. They had to explain and justify the underlying principle and also provide a demonstration of the prototype. The cost effectiveness, innovation and efficacy of the projects was stunning. Niamat Gill, Amity International school won the challenge.
In Voltagabbana/ Turncoat Debate: Chemistry, participants had to speak on a given topic of Chemistry for a minute, providing both sides of the argument. With topics ranging from- to , this event provided an insightful view in the workings of the subject and its intracacies. Navya Anand, Birla Vidya Niketan lifted the top honor.
In Giochiamo Biologia/ Let’s Play Biology: Biology participants were to learn Biology in the play-way method. The participants designed interesting and engaging games of any type for better understanding of difficult terminology, concept and diagram. The important features of the game were highlighted in the summary presented. Tanisha Garg, DAV Public School, Gurugaon.
At the end, valedictory ceremony was held amid much fanfare. Padma Srinivasan, Principal, DPS RK Puram, congratulated all the participating schools and spoke about the importance of competition, and stressed upon the importance of participation as key to improvement. She also spoke about how rational and scientific thinking has the potential of changing the world. She also appreciated the heads of the department of Biology, Chemistry and Physics who collaborated to organise the event.The Vice Principal of the school, Naresh Miglani enthused the students present by presenting his ideas about how creative ideas and innovations lead to start-ups that may go on to become unicorns. A role-play followed that portrayed the joy of discovery, and its unending benefits to the individual and society.