3,000 teachers will exhibit digital teaching skills, over 12 weeks starting 5 September
Tech Avant-Garde, in association with Microsoft, Knowledge Key Foundation, Lycee Corp, Efeeonline and Roshini SocialSchooling will be conducting first-of-its-kind Knowledge L’avenir Conclave webinars starting 5 September 2020. This grand education showcase will last for 12 weeks and over 3,000 teachers will exhibit their Digital Teaching Skills and over 150,000 teachers will attend. Over 72,000 schools across India with a student-teacher population of 76 million (7.6 crore) will get inspired to make the Digital Transformation.
Under the above program, teachers have been trained in Gen Extra Muros – Knowledge Beyond Walls pedagogy. Each Knowledge L’avenir Conclave webinar will be a one-day event; in which teachers from one school will present topics of their choice, using technology-based teaching tools. In every webinar, an average of 20 teachers from 1,000 schools will get an invitation to attend and witness this digital teaching extravaganza. The attendees will get insight on digital teaching and would get inspired to enhance their teaching skills. Knowledge L’avenir Conclave participation is only by invitation – each invited school is allowed to enrol teachers to make a presentation in the webinar to exhibit their digital teaching skills.

Some of the participating early-adopter schools include: Aligarh – Blossoms School; Bengaluru – TCIS-Sarjapur, TCIS-Whitefield, BGS World School, Green Field School, Venkat International School; Hosur – Litera Valley Zee School, MMS-RICE; Hyderabad – Oxford Grammer, Sri Aurobindo International ; Kanpur – Huddard School, Dr. Virender Swaroop Education Centre ; Pune– Orbis Mundwa; and Thane – Arya Gurukul amongst others. Nani kRupani, Chairman, Emeritus, Priyadarshini Academy will be a Guest of Honour at the Conclave.
Ali Sait, CEO, Tech Avant-Garde, said, “Knowledge L’avenir Conclave webinar will give teachers an opportunity to exhibit their digital teaching skills in presence of the teaching fraternity, and community at large. This will make them confident and will encourage them to improvethemselves. These webinars will redefine education and give purpose to teachers to reinvent, because there is no greaterpayback than recognition.The take away would be insight into the future of education, 21st Century Pedagogy and Digital Transformation.”