By Kulbushan Sharma
National President NISA having 36,400 school members
We made many representations and requests for audience with the ministry of HRD officials in the last two years, but never got a chance to discuss our problems. They don’t believe in dialogue with us. How come DBT (Director Benefit Transfer) didn’t happen to RTE reimbursements, after all DBT is a hallmark of this government? If schools/parents get RTE disbursement, it would have helped more than two crore teacher employees in our sector to get higher wages. When you talk about child centric education, why don’t you empower parents.
When this government came to power, it said it will do away with archaic laws and ease doing business. But they did nothing in education. Opening up a new school has to undergo a frustratingly tedious process. Today if a private school bus meets an accident, the principal is sent to jail and majority of our principals and teachers are women.
This government talks about rich education heritage, the gurukul system and becoming a vishwa guru (world leader). But then, those gurus were autonomous and gurkuls had no boards. Today the whole lot of schools are vexed.
Slogans like Betae Bacho, Bete Padhao have no meaning if you ignore ground reality. What is happening these days is that people put sons in private schools and daughters in government schools. If this attitude has to be changed then you need to talk to stakeholders regularly.