Home Conferences Undergraduate Research Day at Flame University sets the stage for interdisciplinary research advocacy at college level

Undergraduate Research Day at Flame University sets the stage for interdisciplinary research advocacy at college level

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FLAME University on March 19 hosted the FLAME Undergraduate Research Day 2025 at its campus in Pune, marking the launch of an annual event dedicated to building a research-driven knowledge exchange and networking platform for undergraduate students across the country. With participation from universities and colleges spanning 8 states and with a total of 81 student presentations from across the nation, the FLAME Undergraduate Research Day 2025 served as a national platform for collaboration, encouraging cross-institutional associations and interdisciplinary research. The theme of the conference was “Boundaries and Bridges in the Age of Disruption.” 

The event aimed to cultivate research aptitude amongst students from an early stage, encouraging them to refine their analytical skills and consider research as a viable path for academic and professional growth. The conference also explored meaningful collaborations among young scholars from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and institutes while exploring critical challenges and transformative ideas in a rapidly evolving world. “It served as a pioneering initiative to bring together students, researchers, and universities from diverse disciplines to foster collaboration and advance interdisciplinary thinking, strengthening the national research landscape.”

The conference consisted of a distinguished panel of experts from diverse fields, including Prof. Sujata Sriram, Professor and Dean, School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS); Prof. Siddharth Mallavarapu, Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University; Dr. Saurabh Tewari, Assistant Professor, Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi; and Dr. Avnish Kshatriya, Chief Digital & Information Officer (CDIO) at Trilegal.

The conference inspired students to engage with socio-economic and environmental issues, equipping young scholars with a research-driven culture and enhancing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills by engaging them in an interdisciplinary model of knowledge exploration. By inviting abstracts based on primary and secondary empirical research, work in progress, conceptual and critical analyses, systematic reviews, and case studies, students addressed ethical and societal concerns. This knowledge exchange initiative was also open to non-participating students outside of FLAME who were also keen on exploring student-led research and interdisciplinary discussions.

This knowledge initiative further strengthens FLAME University’s mission of advancing India-led research, a goal supported by its network of 10+ dedicated research centers. The transformative conference concluded by rewarding the achievements of extraordinary student researchers and conferred awards for Best Paper and Best Poster presentations, recognizing them for their outstanding contributions to academic research and excellence.

Speaking about the significance of this one-of-a-kind initiative, Prof. Dishan Kamdar, Vice-Chancellor, FLAME University, said, “FLAME’s Undergraduate Research Day 2025 has been created as a unified platform for young scholars from diverse academic backgrounds across the country to network, exchange ideas, challenge conventional perspectives, and explore collaborative opportunities to work on projects that address real-world issues. The conference exemplifies our continuous commitment to champion the spirit of knowledge-sharing, research, and academic excellence among scholars as well as institutions. We also hope that these associations will play an important role in shaping students into knowledge creators and innovators of the future with a deep sense of responsibility towards society.”

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