Home News Updates Yoga platform, SARVA in partnership with School of Sports aim to reach to 3000 schools across India by 2023

Yoga platform, SARVA in partnership with School of Sports aim to reach to 3000 schools across India by 2023

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After the NEP 2020 brought spotlight on Yoga, efforts are on to build solutions and alliances to  bring yoga into education curriculum. In this quest, two new age platforms have come together to forge an alliance to build on each other’s strength and roll out yoga curriculum for school children.

 SARVA, an online yoga-based wellness ecosystem, has inked a partnership with the School of Sports, a multisport training academy that provides an inclusive sporting experience to children through online programmes to extend yoga  school curriculum to over 500,000 children serviced by SOS.

Through this association, SARVA aims to reach out to over 3000 schools by the end of 2023. “The fact that SARVA makes yoga interesting and fun with 25 different forms of Yoga will help the brand resonate with the youngsters,” said a statement from the company.

Children get enormous benefits from yoga. While physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness, it also improves concentration and brings about a sense of calmness in them. Yoga also helps children connect better with their inner self and strengthen their relationship with those around them. Overall, it helps boost immunity, increases memory and helps children get better at studies, improves growth both physical and emotional growth, and encourages body positivity in teenagers.

Speaking about this, Sarvesh Shashi, Founder, SARVA Yoga, said, “Today’s busy and stress-filled-world exposes even children to pressures from different quarters. The pandemic has only added to this stress. Children lack peer interaction with classes shifted online and this just adds to the woes. While we may dismiss these as basic things, the fact is that all this profoundly affects their inner joy and positive spirit. We want to help them navigate these challenges better and ensure that they gain the immunity needed in a new world through yoga through our partnership with the School of Sports.”

Siddarth K, Founder, School of Sports (SOS), said, “We are thrilled to be partnering with SARVA and taking Indian school children on this journey of yoga and mindfulness. With SARVA’s expertise and their exciting mix of content which appeals to young children we are confident of building a community which is more inclined towards sports and movement.”

SARVA recently relaunched its app in an all-new version called SARVA 2.0 with over 1500 hours of Yoga and mindfulness content which makes it one of the largest content banks for a yoga app in the country.

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