Home Announcements 10th Annual Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards on Feb 20: 30 STUDENT VOLUNTEERS TO BE FELICITATED

10th Annual Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards on Feb 20: 30 STUDENT VOLUNTEERS TO BE FELICITATED

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Introduced in 2010 in India, ‘The Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards’ which s an annual nationwide search to identify and recognize school students in Classes VI – XII making a positive difference in their communities through voluntary community service is here again. To be held on February 20 in New Delhi, the 10th edition will see student community heroes chosen from among 30 shortlisted candidates. The   awards will be given away by Anand Kumar of Super 30 fame.

Two winners in the Individual Category will be presented with Gold medallions, Certificates of Excellence, a cash prize of Rs. 50,000 each and a return trip to Washington, D.C for the international felicitation ceremony. The members of the winner in the Group Category will be presented with Gold medallions, Certificates of Excellence and a cash prize of Rs. 50,000 to be shared among them. All shortlisted students will be felicitated with Silver medallions and Certificates of Achievement at the awards ceremony.

The shortlisted applicants (16 in the Individual Category and 14 in the Group Category) have worked on diverse community service projects and represent schools from various parts of the country including Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Punjab, Rajasthan and Jharkhand.

These 30 finalists have been selected from over 3,000 applications received in a nationwide search for the country’s top student volunteers. A jury panel comprising Gauri Sharma Tripathi, one of UK’s leading Kathak artistes; Prof. Neera Agnimitra, Head of School of Social Work, Delhi University; Manoj Gopalakrishna, CEO of CARE India; Mame Omar Diop, Head of Education & Programme Specialist, UNESCO New Delhi; and RJ Sayema, a well-known voice on Radio Mirchi, will now evaluate the shortlisted applications and select the best from among them as the National Honourees, whose names will be announced during the awards ceremony.

Their projects and outstanding works that have impacted lives of amny are about upgrading skills to empower people, creating employment opportunities for the marginalized, devising technology solutions to improve healthcare services, writing story books about social issues to create awareness among small children, setting up libraries or promoting environment conservation.

Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards program is being organized by Pramerica Life Insurance Co. Ltd., which is the India chapter of the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, the largest youth recognition programme in the United States based exclusively on volunteer service. Introduced in 1995 by Prudential Financial, Inc. (PFI), the Company’s international JV partner, the U.S. programme has officially recognized more than 120,000 school students for their meaningful contribution towards their communities. India is the 8th country outside the United States to conduct the Awards programme

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