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12th Pass & Looking For Exciting Career Choices, Look This Way!

8 min read

5 Career Options after 12th Class

By Sumit Saurabh, Director, The Desizn Circle 

Sky’s the limit for a school graduate in today’s India. Gone are the days when you could not think beyond becoming a doctor, engineer or lawyer once you have passed the threshold of 12th standard annual exams. The meritorious students could have the pick of the so-called top careers while the not-so-meritorious students had to settle for the less coveted courses to build a career out of. At the turn of the century, all that changed, for good!

The trends are much better today, as the world tries hard to rise up after being knocked down by the Covid-19 pandemic. The students who have completed education till 12th standard, or not yet, can now look forward to some of the most amazing arrays of career choices, which make good use of their natural talents and skills while allowing them to have a flourishing career that doesn’t feel boring at all. So, whether you belong to science, arts or commerce streams, if you are a student who is about to get into the 12th standard or sitting for the final examination next year, you should read all about 5 of the most exciting career options you could think of taking up


  1. Fashion and design

Fashion industry is not an alien concept anymore as far as the average Indian 12th pass student is concerned. In fact, many of the young girls and boys know more about the fashion trends and designer-wear in comparison to their contemporaries from the past decades. The vast challenges that this industry throws at a newcomer can help you really shine if you are strong-headed and abundantly creative. There are so many roles you can play after completing this course, such as fashion designer, fashion illustrator, fashion stylist, fashion coordinator, etc. With such prestigious fashion colleges now operating in the country and ever-increasing chances of an overseas education in fashion and design, it is no surprise that more and more Indian students are finding it easier to think of making fashion & design a career for life.

  1. Event management

Event Management industry single-handedly offers the most exciting career opportunities to students on the verge of making a career choice. With so much happening around, be it stage shows, conferences, concerts, seminars, theme parties, product launches, press conferences, weddings, exhibitions and corporate events, there is so much to do for someone who has studied event management in college. You just need to have passion for organizing events and a keen eye for detail so that everything runs smoothly. Once you finish this course, you can have multiple job opportunities such as event planner, stage decorator, wedding planner, logistics manager, etc.

  1. App developer

The world is running on mobile applications these days and everything has an app version. The way this ecosystem is working, through technologies like Internet of Things, Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, etc, there is going to be a higher demand for app developers now than ever before. With the software entering into every nook and corner of the world, this professional choice is already shooting through the skies in terms of popularity. You can choose to be an iOS or Android developer after you finish your course and look forward to a substantial first salary!

  1. Content writer

If there is one professional career option that has gained the maximum traction in the past one year, despite pandemic, it is the field of freelance content writing. Freelance because more and more people have joined the work-from-home workforce for obvious reasons. So, with that, there is an added lure to this career choice. You need to possess a fairly good writing acumen, language skills and hunger for knowledge because in whatever you write about, you need to have the industry knowledge beforehand, which is what the client demands. Moreover, with professional content writing courses, short-term as well as long-term, being run in various universities and colleges these days, there is no dearth of learning opportunities.

  1. Journalism

Journalists are professionally trained eyes & ears of the society and lately, this is an area to grow exponentially, in terms of opportunities as well as remunerations. Finishing a journalism course from a good college opens up job opportunities for you in newspapers, magazines, TV channels, blogs, social media, radio, etc. So, you see, if you have that fire to bring a change into the society with the help of a pen, keyboard or a microphone, going down this path will not only give you a career, it might also give you job satisfaction at the end of the day.

The career choices that you make today, decide what kind of life you are going to lead tomorrow. If any of these career options rock your boat, start preparing today!

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