Home News Updates 1st Virtual business lab for management students in Rajasthan

1st Virtual business lab for management students in Rajasthan

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JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur in collaboration with All India Management Association (AIMA), on July 31 unveiled the first-ever virtual lab for management students for business stimulation exercises. It is a first such kind of lab in Rajasthan. BizLab will expose students to real economic, environmental and business issues related to finance, operations, marketing and other business functions.  

The digital business laboratory inaugurated in the virtual presence of  H.P. Singhania, Vice Chairman & MD JK Paper Ltd, Neeraj Kapoor, Director, AIMA and Dr Ajay Data, Founder & CEO, Data XGen Technologies along with Dr R L Raina, Vice Chancellor, JKLU and Prof Asheesh Gupta, Pro Vice Chancellor, JKLU.

 Dr Ajay Data, Founder & CEO, Data XGen Technologies, said, “We are in a very unique situation. If you look at the startup ecosystem in the past, the most valuable startups were those who could solve a large problem. Today we have thousands of problems and technology is helping us solve them more conveniently. More than 80 percent of the people are conveniently working from home today. Education has become more inclusive and we need to create more hirable and ready individuals from universities. With AIMA, we have lot of industry knowledge that will come in and it will help bridge the gap in academics.”

JKLU’s Pro ViceChancellor, Prof Asheesh Gupta said, “For us, the establishment of the  AIMA Biz Lab at JKLU, the first in Rajasthan, marks a very purpose­­­­­ful milestone. There is conclusive scientific evidence that we learn best by doing. The purpose of our MBA programme, beyond imparting domain knowledge, is to help students learn how to integrate and use knowledge that is available and to be life-long learners. The AIMA Biz Lab, is a strategic step in this direction because AIMA also brings the advantage of being industry and market backed and understands the management students’ capabilities.”

Neeraj Kapoor, Director, AIMA, said, “The idea of the business lab is to expose the students about what is happening to the management world. It would be enhancing their capability and aiding their learning.”

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