Home Books & study material All DGT study materials is now copyright free

All DGT study materials is now copyright free

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All the books developed and printed by the institute for Directorate General of Training (DGT) will be made completely copyright free and put under CC BY license. A CC BY license helps an author to give other people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they (the author) has created, if due credits provided. National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) which is responsible for creating content on the development of Instructional material, question banks for assessment and relevant digital content for the use by teachers and students made this announcement.

The initiative will help others distribute and build up on their own work, even commercially, as long as it credits NIMI for the original creation. The objective is to help spread the books within larger audience for the benefit of students and teachers. The relevant content is being made available at www.nimilearningonline.in

Rajesh Aggarwal, DG- DGT, said, “By eliminating copyright from the course material, NIMI is removing a potential educational barrier to ensure that the willing students and teachers can focus first and foremost on learning. We are committed towards providing support to our students and teaching faculties through this initiative as well as continuing to facilitate better quality vernacular books/videos etc to all who are eager to learn.”

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