Home School Education Annapurni Subramaniam, ’the NDTV Science Icon of The Year’ to students who have Math Phobia: “Just face it… face your fears”

Annapurni Subramaniam, ’the NDTV Science Icon of The Year’ to students who have Math Phobia: “Just face it… face your fears”

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Annapurni Subramaniam, Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics who was bestowed the Science Icon of The Year at NDTV’s Indian Of the Year Awards 2024, naturally will be asked questions on her field of astronomy and science. So after the award responding to a question about how students frightened by subjects like Mathematics and Physics might rise above these challenges. Her advice? “Just face and do it… Math and Physics become friendly once you understand it is really a lot of fun,” she said with a smile.

She also underlined the questions all astronomers seek to answer, “Astronomers look for how gold is made by the universe… astronomers chase these kinds of weird questions.” She also recalled a moment while speaking at a school, where a student came up to her with a question about Pluto, which was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006.
“… we don’t know everything about the solar system. There is so much we are still trying to understand. I am only worried that the next generation may not even be able to see the stars, or sometimes even the Sun. It is important for us to preserve nature and the spirit of curiosity.
“I grew up looking up at the stars… it inspired me. But, when I got a chance to study them, of course my parents were worried that I would spend time in remote observatories. My mum even told me, ‘Why don’t you study the Sun?” she recalled with a broad grin. “The only thing I could do was take them there and show them what I am passionate about and how I could achieve my dream,” she added.

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