Home Announcements Application period for Green Talents award 2020 now open

Application period for Green Talents award 2020 now open

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Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development, Bonn (Germany) invites applications from pioneering scientist to apply with their trailblazing approach. This is an opportunity to showcase the research to the broader public, exchange with outstanding experts, and lay the foundation for long-lasting collaborations with German research institutions.

Hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research since 2009, the award honors 25 young international researchers each year. Eligible to apply are master students, PhD students, postdocs, as well as young professionals, with no more than three years of professional work experience (excluding professional work experiences gained within the scope of an academic degree) and a strong focus on sustainable development. Applicants must prove excellent command of English and above-average grades. Furthermore, only applications from non-German citizens or residents can be considered For more information please refer to www.greentalents.dewhere both the competition flyer as well as the award trailer are accessible and follow us on Twitterand LinkedIn.

Deadline for submission: 19 May 2020

This year’s The Green Talents award 2020 includes an invitation to the fully funded two-week Science Forum in October 2020, consisting of visits to leading German sustainability facilities, institutions and companies with exclusive insights into their leading-edge research and projects,

individual appointments with German experts of their choice to discuss possibilities for upcoming joint research and cooperation efforts, networking opportunities at the award ceremony in Berlin with participating Green Talentsalumni, a fully funded research stay of up to three months at an institution of their choice in Germany in2021, exclusive access to the distinguished Green Talents alumni network.To this day, 257 outstanding scientists from 69 countries have been awarded for their tremendous achievements to making their communities, countries and societies more sustainable.

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