Home Epidemics Be Safe: Awareness, maintaining better hygienic practices key safeguards from novel Corona virus

Be Safe: Awareness, maintaining better hygienic practices key safeguards from novel Corona virus

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Globally around 25 countries are facing the wrath of this novel Corona virus. These viruses usually cause illness ranging from the common cold to diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).  What is more worrisome is that it has also been found that there are people who have contracted Coronavirus but are asymptomatic but are capable of transmitting the infection. Health experts believe that instead of panicking and wearing masks people should be more aware and maintain better hygienic practices in the form of preventive measures.

Several awareness drives are being carried out by different governments including GOI which has been taking preventive measures against the outbreak of the virus. Indian Council of Medical research-NIV Pune has a Specimen Referral Form for 2019 Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCOV) that clearly outlines the steps that need to be followed in a suspected case. According to the recent report there are three confirmed cases in India that have been reported till date (4th Feb 2020).

According to Dr. Saranya, Technical Director & Chief Microbiologist, Neuberg Diagnostics, the current strain of the virus is fatal only for people who have an underlying chronic illness, asthmatic, or otherwise immuno-compromised for any reason. While we need to be careful, we can help ourselves by maintaining basic hygienic measures. There is no need for panic. Most people who have been infected with the new strain of the virus have also cleared the infection spontaneously.

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