Home Announcements (page 85)


Registration for this year’s Primary Olympiads closes on October 15

One of the oldest and eagerly anticipated Olympiads for classes’ I-V has opened registrations for this year’s competition. The registration closes on October 15. Other details will be released soon. Primary Olympiad runs as a National level certification program and competition for young learners along with their teachers from class I – V. The competition has five levels and the …

Dr. Jean Dreze to deliver 5th ‘Dr. Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration On Sustainable Development’

XLRI- Xavier School of Management is all set to organize the 5th ‘Dr Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration on Sustainable Development’ in memory of the Founder of AMUL Dr. Verghese Kurien, otherwise known as “the Milkman of India” on 22nd September, 2018 at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur. This year, the oration is to be delivered by Noted Development Activist & Economist, Dr. …

Global Design Thinking Event – Global Goals Jam 2.0 on Sep 21-22

The World University of Design (WUD) – dedicated to education in the creative domain is organizing a two-day exclusive Design Thinking workshop – Global Goals Jam 2.0 (GGJ) from September 21-22, 2018. Being held in association with the Digital Society School of University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam along with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), GGJ is an international platform for inclusive learning where people from …

eSports Tournament-PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship 2018 from Sep 26

Tencent Games, the world’s largest game company, announced the launch of India’s biggest eSports Championship, ‘PUBG MOBILE Campus Championship 2018’ and will partner together with OPPO India and run the mega eSports tournament for a month from 26th September 2018 to 21st October 2018, culminating in the grand finals to be held in Bangalore. Championship 2018 in India will feature more than 1000 colleges from …

Canada’s top 13 Business-Schools to tour India for the 2018 EduCanada MBA Showcase

Thirteen of Canada’s leading business schools will be on a multi-city tour in India to present MBA opportunities during the 2018 EduCanada MBA Showcase. Scheduled from 17 – 25 September 2018, the representatives from these prominent Canadian universities will visit the cities of Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru and Mumbai. This fifth edition of the EduCanada MBA Showcase will provide an …

CRY Invites Applications for Its 10th National Child Rights Research Fellowship Programme

CRY – Child Rights and You, a leading Indian non-profit working to ensure lasting change in children’s lives, invites applications from research fellows exploring various dimensions of child rights, within the broad understanding of justice for children. Up to five fellowships ranging from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 lakh will be awarded. The 10th edition of the year-long fellowship programme called NCRRF (National Child Rights …

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