Home Announcements COMED K – Uni-GAUGE entrance exam for UGET2021 on June 20

COMED K – Uni-GAUGE entrance exam for UGET2021 on June 20

4 min read

Applicants have to register at www.comedk.org or www.unigauge.com . The application process is open online from 22 March 2021 to 20 May 2021

COMEDK UGET and Uni-GAUGE entrance examination will be held on June 20, 2021, as a combined examination. The entrance test will be held for admissions to B.E/B. Tech, for colleges affiliated with the Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation Trust and Uni-GAUGE member universities. The exam will be conducted online in over 150 cities across India, in over 400 test centres. This year, it expects over 80,000 students to appear for the examination.

Dr. Kumar, Executive Secretary COMEDK, says: “Karnataka has been a pioneer in engineering education, and has always been a destination for Engineering students from across the country. Over the years, we have seen an increase in the number of students taking the entrance test from outside Karnataka. While there was a decline in admissions due to pandemic in 2020, we see that as an aberration and anticipate that this year will see a distinct increase in student interest, due to easing of restrictions.”

 “COMEDK for the last 15 years has been facilitating smooth conduct of the exam nationally: This year too we will ensure safe, conduct of the exam and admissions,” further adds Dr. Kumar.

“Despite the Covid outbreak last year, we conducted the examination in 392 centres while adhering to all safety regulations. We had also increased the number of examination centres to help students avoid cross district travel. The examination was conducted in two shifts, and drew nearly 60000 students in 2020,” says P. Muralidhar, CEO, ERA Foundation.

He further adds, “This year, we have upgraded our safety standards to ensure that each centre is fully sanitised, and will accommodate only 50 percent seating to ensure social distancing. The number of centres has also been increased from 392 to 400 plus across 150 cities, thereby, limiting and reducing student travel. The exam will be conducted in two sessions, one beginning at 09:00 a.m. and ending at 12:00 p.m., and the other from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.”

  ComedK – Uni- GAUGE has become the second-largest multi-university private engineering exam in India, with 180+ institutions and 30 plus Universities accepting scores. With a reach of 150 cities and 400 test centres, it has gained significant momentum over the years.

The entire application and exam process will be online. A detailed process guideline on the online exam and application process has been made available to students on www.comedk.org or www.unigauge.com .


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