Home Announcements CPF-NCERT’s eRaksha Competition 2021 open for registrations

CPF-NCERT’s eRaksha Competition 2021 open for registrations

4 min read

CyberPeace Foundation, and NCERT, on May 27 launched the 3rd edition of eRaksha Competition 2021 with support from Ministry of Electronics, Information and Technology (MeitY) and National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). This is  one of the largest cyber safety competitions in the world where young participants will be given the opportunity to express their vision of a Safe and Peaceful Cyber Space.

The competition invites students from schools and colleges, educators, researchers and parents to put on their creative hats and submit unique and useful ideas to promote safe, responsible and peaceful use of the internet in the form of posters, paintings, videos, websites, blogs, essays or apps. Winners will receive awards and certificates. The shortlisted candidates will receive appreciation certificates. All participants with valid entries will receive participation certificates in the digital format. They can register through www.eraksha.net

While launching the eRaksha Competition 2021, Dr. Amarendra Prasad Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT said, “Through eRaksha competition, we are directly enabling the stakeholders to understand the complexities and vulnerabilities in cyberspace and through their participations understand ways and develop strategies to counter the threats by building advocacy materials like applications, paintings and so on.

For children confined within the walls of the house, being online meant that one could continue to learn, play, connect and continue to lead some semblance of normal lives. Unfortunately, being online also has some risks, there are predators, hackers, identity thieves and cyber bullies who can harm these young children. Though the millennials are technology savvy, adept at navigating the online world, however because of their inexperience they are also vulnerable to predators and cyber criminals. Thus it becomes important to remind them about their roles and responsibilities in the digital space.

Be aware of your digital footprint and there are traces of all activities that are happening online. One should therefore always remain accountable and responsible while interacting on the Internet. The new intermediary rules empower the children, women and the citizens as they can seek removal of problematic content. The government wants more accountability from these platforms and is working towards it,” said  Rakesh Maheshwari of MeitY..

According to Capt. Vineet Kumar, Founder and President, CyberPeace Foundation with eRaksha Competition 201, we aim to reach not just the students but families and teachers. We need to involve the entire Cyber ecosystem to build sustainable and resilient cyberspace.

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