Home Study abroad ETS India partners amber to offer accommodation solutions for Indian students abroad

ETS India partners amber to offer accommodation solutions for Indian students abroad

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ETS India, a subsidiary of ETS, educational assessment, research, and measurement organization and the owner of assessments such as TOEFL® and GRE®, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with amber, a leading global student accommodation solutions provider, to provide Indian students with exciting benefits as they prepare for and pursue higher education abroad. This strategic partnership aims to ease financial burdens and enhance the overall experience for Indian students taking the GRE and TOEFL tests.

The partnership includes promotion of contests and scholarships such as the TOEFL India Championship, which recognizes and rewards top TOEFL test performers from India. The GRE India Contest identifies and awards outstanding GRE test takers, promoting high performance on the GRE. Additionally, the TOEFL UK-India Scholarship supports Indian students planning to study in the UK, helping reduce the financial burden of their education.

ETS India will offer exciting discounts on TOEFL and GRE test fees of INR 2000 and INR 1500, respectively, for students booking accommodation through amber. In addition, GRE and TOEFL test takers from India who book accommodation through amber will receive a cashback of INR 15,000 from amber. This is in addition to any existing cashback offers listed on amber’s property pages, making it a highly attractive deal for students seeking affordable housing options abroad.

The partnership will also host a series of webinars and informational sessions focusing on key destination countries such as the U.S.A, U.K, Canada, Europe and Australia. These sessions will include awareness of the programs available in these destination countries, post study work opportunities, insights into early accommodation options, etc.

Speaking on the occasion, Sachin Jain, Country Manager, ETS India & South Asia, said, ” The partnership with amber enhances our ability to support Indian students by addressing both their educational and accommodation needs, ensuring a smooth and enriching study abroad experience. Additionally, ETS India has introduced various scholarships and competitions for TOEFL and GRE test takers from India, offering a total prize pool of around Rs. 50 lakhs. We encourage Indian test takers to participate and take advantage of these opportunities.”

Saurabh Goel, CEO and Co-Founder of amber, expressed his enthusiasm about partnering with ETS: ” Our collaboration aims to alleviate one of the most significant challenges faced by students relocating to popular study destinations by offering seamless accommodation solutions. This partnership represents a strategic synergy between two market leaders committed to growth and excellence. Together with ETS, we are dedicated to enhancing the overall experience for students as they embark on their academic journeys abroad.”

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