Home News Updates Four Indian projects in WISE Awards 2021 Finalists list of 12

Four Indian projects in WISE Awards 2021 Finalists list of 12

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Four innovative education projects namely, Pehchan Project by Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials (CULP) Jaipur; Underprivileged Women Entrepreneurship and Skilling  by AISECT Bhopal; The Happiness Curriculum (Govt of Delhi) and Creating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs for Children in Indian Public Schools (Labhya Foundation, New Delhi) have made it the finals of WISE Awards 2021 Finalists list shortlisted by a pre-Jury of international experts. The rest of the eight finalists are from as many countries from across the world.

The 12 finalists projects are currently undergoing an innovation assessment before being reviewed by the WISE Awards Jury. The six winning projects will be announced in September.

AISECT project “Entrepreneurship Development and Skilling initiatives for the Underprivileged Women” was nominated because of the inclusive approach towards skilling and creating employment through both skill development as well as entrepreneurship development for underprivileged women.

AISECT, through its all-inclusive pro-women project, has taken a two pronged approach in the project for making women independent. It has been imparting vocational education through placement linked skilling especially for girls in trades more apt and flexible  for  them,  to  ensure  better  livelihood  options  aiming  at  financial independence. It also fosters Entrepreneurship among underprivileged Women by helping them set up multipurpose centres especially in service sector and continuously hand hold them till they are sustainable and financially sustainable. These services allow the centres to be economically viable, by involving the whole community. More than two thousand underprivileged women entrepreneurs have emerged from the program, accounting for the employment of five thousand people today. An inclusive ecosystem for women entrepreneurship has beenset up through accessible bank kiosks, online service centres, vocational training centres, CSCs which are inspired mainly by our Multipurpose ICT centres. The AISECT model has also trained more than 400 thousand marginalised girls in 400 districts in India.

Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful and innovative projects that are addressing global educational challenges since 2009. Today the WISE Awards network comprises 72 pioneering projects that are bringing positive change to societies and communities.

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