Home News Updates IIHMR inducted into UNAI

IIHMR inducted into UNAI

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IIHMR University,Jaipur working in the field of healthcare management and development studies has been inducted as a member of the prestigious United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI).

United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is a United Nations initiative that aligns higher education institutions in supporting and contributing to realizing the UN’s goals and mandates, including the promotion and protection of human rights, access to education, advancing peace, sustainability, and conflict resolution.

Through this membership, IIHMR joins 1470 institutions in 146 countries, including about 150 institutions from India.[1]As a part of the UNAI, the institution will play an essential role in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by becoming the incubator of new ideas, inventions, and solutions to many global challenges. Besides, the membership will allow IIHMR to harness the international community to foster innovation and research in humanity.

“We are delighted to have the privilege of becoming a member of this prestigious body. UNAI provides a unique platform where university students, academics and researchers can connect and share ideas, research, and resources to promote the SDGs and other UN mandates. The IIHMR University has been working to provide equal opportunity in healthcare management and development studies education for more than three decades and focuses on issues in healthcare, gender equality, human rights, and sustainable development,” says Dr. P. R. Sodani, Pro President, IIHMR University.

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