Home Higher Education IIT Roorkee to hold its Convocation as part of successful 3 years of implementation of NEP celebrations

IIT Roorkee to hold its Convocation as part of successful 3 years of implementation of NEP celebrations

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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) is all set to conduct the Institute’s Convocation-2023 Ceremony on 28th July 2023 in the Convocation Hall at the Roorkee campus for the graduating students on the third anniversary of the implementation of the NEP 2020. A total of 1916 will receive their degrees in the ceremony which will be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Governors Shri B V R Mohan Reddy. Shri Dattatri Salagame, CEO, President and Managing Director of Bosch Global Software Technologies (BGSW) will be the Chief Guest for the ceremony.

Prof. Apurbba Kumar Sharma, Dean of Academic Affairs, announced that the number of graduating students to receive Bachelor’s Degrees is 1,076, 686 students will receive their Masters’ Degree, and 154 students will be conferred PhD degrees.

A large number of graduating students, guardians and other faculty members will participate in the graduation ceremony which will be chaired by Shri B V R Mohan Reddy, Chairman, BoG. Prof. K K Pant, Director of the Institute, will give the welcome address and present the Director’s report. Prof. Pant took the opportunity to congratulate all the graduating students. In his report, the Director highlighted various achievements of the Institute while briefly dwelling upon the NEP 2020.

The 176-year old premier Institute has been leading the technical education in the country. The Institute is also in the fore front while implementation of the National education policy (NEP) 2020.  The institute has recently revised its undergraduate curriculum aligned with the NEP 2020 and aims to keep pace with the global aspirations of the students. It is also in the process of updating its Masters curriculum.

The institute is rolling out the new UG curriculum starting with the new UG students who are joining the institute on August 01, 2023. With emphasis on skill development and entrepreneurship, the new curriculum provides multi-disciplinary and holistic education opportunities to the students in a highly flexible framework as envisaged under the National education policy (NEP) 2020. The curriculum revision philosophy was based on ‘STEPS’ (Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Project-based education and Societal connect). Accordingly, while the institute is offering its students mandatory courses in the cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, it is also teaching the students course on ‘Indian Knowledge System’ and connecting the students with the society through the ‘Community Outreach’ course. As the nation is celebrating its three years of successful implementation of the National Education Policy 2020, the institute boasts of being part of the celebration by creating an education system rooted in the Indian ethos that contributes to transforming India. The futuristic curriculum, which was designed through a long and rigorous consultation process and brainstorming sessions with experts and stakeholders, has been seen as a model framework in the technical education system in India while implementing the NEP 2020.

In the new curriculum, the students in all programs will be studying courses on Soft Skills, Tinkering and Mentoring, Data Science, Indian Knowledge System (IKS), Environmental Science and Sustainability (ESSC), Community Outreach (CORE), apart from Physics, Mathematics and Computer Programming.

While project-based learning has been one of the hallmarks of the new curriculum, the institute also enables the students to develop vocational skills in collaboration with Industry as emphasized in the NEP 2020. The institute has created provisions for Credit Transfer from other institutes of repute, a Semester Exchange program for UG, Masters & PhD students, and Joint & Dual Degree Programmes with global partners.

In the spirit of the NEP 2020, IIT Roorkee has created ample opportunities for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary education. The institute offers minor specialization and Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) programs across the disciplines. Thus, a mechanical engineering student can earn a minor specialization in economics. Similarly, multiple departments in the institute jointly offer single program creating an ecosystem for the students to learn from multiple areas being in a single platform. The institute also offers Joint Degree and Dual Degree programs with institutes of repute outside the country.

The institute nurtures an inclusive environment for all, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, nationality etc. In order to foster the same, the institute has created various innovative schemes in academics such as ‘SAKUNTALA’ (Scheme for Aspirants of Knowledge Under Talent Advancement) Fellowship in Ph.D., ‘Golden Girl’ in Masters & Ph.D., application fee waiver for female candidates & supernumerary seat for female and international candidates. The institute has also developed a robust Exit Policy in the spirit of the NEP and has implemented National Academic Depository (NAD).

In a comprehensive briefing at the event on implementing the National Education Policy (NEP) in IIT Roorkee, the institute celebrates the successful three years of NEP. With the implementation of the NEP 2020, Prime Minister aims to have an education system by 2040 that is second to none, with equitable access to the highest-quality education for all learners regardless of social or economic background. This National Education Policy 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims to address our country’s many growing developmental imperatives. This Policy proposes revising and revamping all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st-century education, including SDG4, while building upon India’s traditions and value systems.

This forward-thinking approach of the institute, as outlined, aligns with the goals of NEP 2020, which emphasizes skill development, holistic education, and preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving world.

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