Home Announcements Internationally Certified Trainer Programme by ISTD in parternship with NOCN announced

Internationally Certified Trainer Programme by ISTD in parternship with NOCN announced

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Delhi-based Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD, esb 1970), a non-profit institute working in the field of training human resources and a leading provider of correspondence course – Diploma in Training and development, has joined hands with the National Open College Network (NOCN) of United Kingdom, a provider of qualifications under the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), for an “Internationally Certified Trainer Programme.” The two entities singed a MoU to this effect in New Delhi on October 12.

Under the arrangement, ISTD will build flexible employer led programmes and qualifications for individuals, employers, employer groups and communities and NOCN will provide Quality Assurance standards and International Certification of the ISTD courses delivered.

“This will not only raise the skill bars of Indian trainers but will also provide a global platform with abundance of opportunities,” said Arvind Khode, Chairman, Certification and Accreditation Board, ISTD while adding said that Indian Economy is growing dynamically but is equally challenging from globalization point of view.  “This growth is attracting huge FDI’s, foreign business, partnerships, Start-up’s etc. which calls for upgrading and skilling of manpower which further leads to the need of training them. In order to address these global expectations from trainers, ISTD and NOCN both have joined hands”, he said. 

Graham Hasting-Evans, Managing Director of NOCN said “NOCN has been designing and operating consistent and reliable vocational skills assessment tests and examinations for nearly 30 years. We are delighted to be able to support ISTD by quality assuring and providing international certification for their new courses.”

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