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Last Minute study tips to keep away your exam stress

7 min read

Just three things—Plan your time effectively, minimize distractions, and get enough rest, you’ll be ready to give any exam your best shot!

Govind Bhadu, Inspirational Speaker & Entrepreneur, Founder, Utthan Ever Foundation

Studies say that most students actually over 70 percent regularly defer assignments or revisions and then have trouble concentrating. If you are one among them, then you might be in need of a workflow management framework.

David Allen, the legendary time-management guru, created a framework called “Getting Things Done” and is one of the most popular frameworks. This framework of system is a simple and has five steps. Understanding this system would help in planning your day. So, let’s going crack this system, and customize it in our context of last minute study for exams:

Optimize Your Study Station and eliminate disturbances

Studying last minute requires you to maximize your study area and avoid distractions. The location of your study area isn’t important; it can be your bedroom, living room, or even a public library. The most important thing is to learn how to focus on studying notes rather than social media.

  • If you prefer to study in silence, try using noise-cancelling headphones to eliminate distracting sounds. 
  • If you work better with music, you can try light music to increase focus and attention while you study. 
  • It is best to turn off all your devices, including your internet and phone, for ultimate concentration. 

Focus on your weak spots

For last-minute study to be effective, you need to focus on your weak spots. You cannot revise everything in your class notes and study notes. Instead, focus on what you don’t know (yet).

Not sure where to start? Test yourself by taking a practice exam or answering a few sample questions. Identify your weaknesses and strengthen them. Concentrating on your weak points will have the biggest impact on your overall grade.

Describe your answers to others

An individual’s ability to explain something to another is the gold standard for understanding. This is the type of exercise you should do if you want to get the most out of your last-minute study.

You can explain your notes, mind maps, or revision flashcards to a friend or family member. By explaining your answers aloud to others, you can identify weak points and spot any knowledge gaps.

Aim to Stay Healthy

Maintaining good health is one of the best things you can do when studying last minute. We recommend drinking water and eating healthy food.

Don’t take caffeine or energy drinks, though it can give you a short-term boost but often leave you feeling tired and irritable on the long-term. It’s boring, but it works – drink a lot of water! It keeps you hydrated and helps you focus.

You should eat healthily and exercise during your breaks. But don’t let it be an excuse to procrastinate. Exams are fast approaching, don’t forget?

Make a plan, formulate a plan

Make a plan and aim to revise everything first that already learnt but pay more attention and time on things you don’t understand and not learnt.

Remember, as per the human psychology tendency, when we revise and attempt the hard & tough things, our level of focus & concentration gets increased multi-times.

That’s why it is recommended to give weak subjects most focus.

Stop for a break

The quality of sleep has a significant impact on exam performance. According to researchers getting a good night’s sleep is linked to achieving higher test scores. Students who get a full night’s sleep outperform their heavy-eyed peers. This shows the dangers of studying all night before your exams. Hence, It is very important to focus on getting proper rest and having at least eight hours sleep in the last night before your exam.

To conclude, prioritize tasks such as assignments, and revisions, and be sure you are focusing on the things that matter most. Don’t struggle with last minute study, plan it scientifically as explained above. Best wishes for your exams!


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