Home News Updates President of India presents Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar to 19 children

President of India presents Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar to 19 children

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The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu presented Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar to the 19 children at a function held in New Delhi on January 22, 2024. One child each in the categories of Bravery, Science & Technology, and Innovation; four children in the category of Social Service; five children in the category of Sports and seven children in the category of Art and Culture received the award.

The list includes 9 boys and 10 girls, who belong to 18 States and UTs. The  list is as below:

Aaditya Vijay Bramhane (posthumous) Maharashtra Bravery
Anushka Pathak Uttar Pradesh  Art & Culture
Arijeet Banerjee West Bengal Art & Culture
Armaan Ubhrani Chattisgarh Art & Culture
Hetvi Kantibhai Khimsuriya Gujarat Art & Culture
Ishfaq Hamid Jammu & Kashmir Art & Culture
Md Hussain Bihar Art & Culture
Pendyala Laxmi Priya Telangana Art & Culture
Suhani Chauhan Delhi Innovation
Aryan Singh Rajasthan Science & Technology
Avnish Tiwari Madhya Pradesh Social Service
Garima Haryana Social Service
Jyotsna Aktar Tripura Social Service
Saiyam Mazumder Assam Social Service
Aaditya Yadav Uttar Pradesh Sports
Charvi A Karnataka Sports
Jesicca Neyi Saring Arunachal Pradesh Sports
Linthoi Chanambam Manipur Sports
R Surya Prasad Andhra Pradesh Sports


Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) – is given to children with exceptional abilities and outstanding achievements.  The awards are given to children in the age group 5 – 18 years for their excellence in seven categories for Bravery, Art & Culture, Environment, Innovation, Science & Technology, Social Service and Sports that deserve national recognition. Each awardee of PMRBP is given a medal, certificate and a citation booklet.

Speaking on the occasion, the President said that this award ceremony is an opportunity to encourage the amazing potential and talent of young achievers. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of children. She appreciated all the children for their excellent work.

The President said that nowadays children are tech-savvy. They are using technology for their education. But technology is often misused also. Many crimes like deep fake, financial fraud, exploitation of children are being committed through technology. She stated that social media is a powerful medium to express one’s views and spread awareness among people on any issue, but it is also being misused in spreading rumors. She advised children to be alert and stay away from wrongdoings, as one wrong step can put their future in danger.

The President noted that the physical activities are decreasing in young generations. She said that due to less physical activities many diseases which used to be very rare in children and youth are increasing today. She appealed to youth to learn at least one sport and participate in it. She said that they may not take up sports as a career, but sports keep them physically and mentally healthy. This develops team spirit in them.

The President said that children and youth are the leaders of the future of our country. It is our duty to make them aware of Indian culture and life values ​​along with providing them modern education. Referring to the consecration of the idol of Prabhu Shri Ram in Ayodhya, she said that on this occasion, we should resolve to adopt ideals of Lord Ram and the life values ​​​​described in Ramayana in our lives.


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