Home Admissions University of Dayton career counseling in Hyderabad,Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Gurgaon

University of Dayton career counseling in Hyderabad,Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Gurgaon

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The University of Dayton located in community-based Dayton, Ohio in the United States is conducting a series of workshops in some select cities in India for prospective students who are interested in pursuing higher education abroad. In addition to what is expected to be a widely attended event in Hyderabad, the university will also be conducting workshops in Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Gurgaon in the month of August,2019.

Following are the dates, times and venues for these workshops:

City Date Time Venue
Hyderabad 3rd August 2019 11:00AM to 4:00PM Hotel Trident, Hitech City
Chennai 4th August 2019 11:00AM to 4:00PM Taj Club House  
Bangalore 10th August 2019 11:00AM to 4:00PM Hotel Renaissance, Race Course  
Ahmedabad 11th August 2019 11:00AM to 4:00PM Hotel Hyatt Regency
Gurgaon 18th August 2019 11:00AM to 4:00PM The City Club 4, DLF  

The agenda of these workshops includes topics such as addressing the challenges that Indian students face while applying to a global university, information about University of Dayton undergraduate and graduate degree programs, application procedures, campus life, scholarships, internship and job opportunities, career prospects, and more.

Andrea Stiefvater, Managing Director of UDayton Global at the University of Dayton said, “To ensure that these students receive tailored education and career guidance, we believe in-person career counselling workshops in India provide a better forum to address their questions, versus using a virtual platform. Our vision is to provide the right courses to our students, so they are industry-ready and can choose from an amazing array of professions without even a second thought about their growth potential.”

In addition to one-to-one sessions with the in-country representatives for the University of Dayton, depending on their qualifications, students can also secure an on-the-spot application fee waiver and exclusive scholarships. These workshops are free of cost. Register here to attend!

For more details, please log on to https://global.udayton.edu/.

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