Home Admissions Updated Admission Process announced by Shiv Nadar University

Updated Admission Process announced by Shiv Nadar University

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Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noia  today announced modifications to its admission process for the undergraduate programs, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.  University is accepting existing SAT scores for admission purpose. Students with a score of 80 percentiles and above in their JEE Mains (January) 2020, will be exempt from taking SNU-SAT & APT and can apply directly for admission in programs under Engineering or Natural Sciences. All changes made to the admission policy, are available at http://snuadmissions.com/admission_info_2020.php#alerts.

In the absence of Class XII Board marks, provisional admissions will be awarded to eligible candidates based on their existing school grades, and performance in the entrance process. Interested applicants can submit their filled-in common application form, available at www.snu.edu.in, latest by 31st May 2020.  Post evaluation, an online interview will be conducted for select programs to finalize their candidature. 

Shiv Nadar University also announced two new programmes this year:

  • BSc (Research) in Economics and Finance – will help students better understand the principles of economics and its applications to financial systems, global markets and enterprise. It will provide quantitative skills and institutional knowledge required to both understand and solve problems as both finance professionals and economists.
  • Integrated BSc-MSc–PhD program in Chemistry – These integrated programs will provide students with a strong foundation in the field of Chemistry while accelerating their journey.

Scholarships on offer Information:

–       Gifted Student Scholarship: applicable for top-100 rank holders in Class XII from each Board, JEE(Advanced) top 500 rank holders, INSPIRE Fellows with Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE), IB graduates with grade points 42 and above, and DST Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Fellowship holders. Selected students are entitled to a 100% waiver in Admissions fee, Tuition fee, Hostel, Mess and Laundry charges during the entire program subject to their maintaining a minimum CGPA of 6.50.

–       Rural Student Scholarship: Applicable for students of exceptional caliber from rural and underprivileged background. The scheme offers 100% waiver in Admissions fee, Tuition fee, Hostel, Mess and Laundry charges.

–       Merit Cum Means Scholarship: eligible for students scoring above 92% and above in Class XII and belonging to families with annual income below 8 Lacs. The scheme offers up to 100% waiver in Admissions fee, Tuition fee, Hostel, Mess and Laundry charges.

–       Sports Scholarship: eligible for top-100 rank holders in Badminton, Chess, Squash, Tennis and Table Tennis, as per their respective National sports federations. Students will be evaluated based on their previous performances and participation at International & National tournaments in respective sports/games along with SNU-SAT & APT. The students will also be required to give a physical fitness and sports test which will be conducted by Department of Physical Education and Sports

–       SAT India Scholarship: Shiv Nadar University has tied-up with College Board to identify top students basis their SAT score as per applicable criteria. Top-performing students with financial need will be eligible to receive a full scholarship co-funded by College Board and Shiv Nadar University.

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