Home Announcements WileyNXT launches Product Management course in collaboration with IIM Lucknow

WileyNXT launches Product Management course in collaboration with IIM Lucknow

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WileyNXT, India in collaboration with IIM Lucknow, has launched a six-month Product Management executive education program for young product managers, product, marketing and business leads, team members, and technology professionals who drive business capacities, and managers of product design, success and transformation. This program will offer a joint certification from WileyNXT and IIM Lucknow and executive alumni status to the participants. 

According to Vikas Gupta, Managing Director, Wiley India as advanced product innovation and customer experiences become the fulcrum of success in the current corporate ecosystem, India’s IT industry faces a fundamental challenge – the dearth of product managers. He said, “India has only 20,000 product managers compared to an estimated 1.8 million product managers in the US alone. This has fuelled the demand for skilled product managers who are able to build innovative business models and drive technology innovation for competitive gain. With this collaboration, we hope to bridge the gap between morphing workplace needs and workforce skilling.” The curriculum of the program is developed faculty at IIML and Wiley program expert, David Fradin. “About 40% of all new products fail in the marketplace representing a waste of over a half trillion dollars or more worldwide.  It is because the same mistakes are made over and over again.  The IIML-Wiley Data-Driven Product Management Program is designed to teach what it takes to have product success,” added Fradin.  

Prof Rajeev Kumra, Faculty, IIM Lucknow and Program Director of the IIML– Wiley Executive Program in Data Driven Product Management said: “The data driven product management program deals with a whole gamut of product marketing strategies driven by qualitative research, design thinking and analytical skills. In the post-covid world, digital is going to be a game changer, we need to acquire skills right from how to win a consumer to market segmentation to consumer positioning and this will be only possible through data driven strategy. The learners will be skilled to do analysis, be adept to design thinking and cultivate growth mindset, all of which is critical for the success of a product.” 

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