Home COVID-19 100 teachers from India to be recognized for their work on SGDs during pandemic, 10 top to attend the 6th 1M1B summit

100 teachers from India to be recognized for their work on SGDs during pandemic, 10 top to attend the 6th 1M1B summit

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1M1B Activate Impact Summit is scheduled at United Nations, New York in December 2021 during which 10 top works will be showcased. 

A new category of teacher awards has been announced by Bangalore-based 1M1B (One Million for One Billion), a United Nations accredited not-for- profit organization focused on SDGs and future skills and leadership development among youth in India. Called as the Lead Z Teacher awards, this award is for teachers, educators, changemakers and mentors across India, who have made extraordinary efforts during the pandemic to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No 6 on Quality Education.

The selected 100 educators will be recognized and invited to the national final and top 10 teachers will be awarded in India. Additionally, the 10 award winners teachers will be given an opportunity to showcase their work at the prestigious 1M1B Activate Impact Summit scheduled at United Nations, New York in December 2021.

The Lead Z teachers award has been categorized in following segments – The Climate Warrior, The Lockdown Innovator, The Social Impactor, The Sports/ Fitness Leader, The STEM Champion, The Arts Advocate, The Inclusion Agent, The Tech for Good Campaigner, The Happiness & Wellbeing Activist and Changemakers in Education and The Entrepreneurship Mindset Creator.

All applicants to Lead Z Teacher awards will get access to a Teacher Development Workshop conducted by a renowned faculty. The top 100 teachers will be announced over 5 rounds (27th of every month – March, April, May & June 2021), and the final round will be held in July 2021. They can choose to apply in multiple categories as well. A nominal fee per application is applicable. Teachers from underserved and rural backgrounds will be given scholarships and travel support. The applicants can apply by registering on the link given below https://leadzworld.com/teacherawards

The objective of Lead Z Teacher Awards is to recognize and acknowledge the unwavering dedication and commitment shown by India’s teachers in these testing times. Any teacher, educator, changemaker or mentor who has been innovating with teaching methods, reaching students online or otherwise, ensuring that they are guided well and getting the right education during the Covid period is eligible to apply or being nominated for the award by1M1B foundation

Speaking on this initiative, Manav Subodh, Co-Founder of 1M1B, said “During the COVID19 and the ‘school shut down era’, the teachers emerged as the true leaders. 1M1B wants to celebrate and honour the unsung nation builders i.e. our Teachers.”

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