Four qualify in ITSSB skill, six for Auto Body Repair/ Body Collision Repair and Car Painting for WorldSkills Competition 2015
In the National Selections for World Skills Competition (WSC) 2015 for IT Software Solutions for Business (ITSSB) skill, four candidates have been shortlisted after an intensive nationwide competition that concluded in the Capital. The four engineering students – Neha Valecha of Bhiwani, Saurabh Kanwar of Karnal, Nishant Jain of Chennai & Ujjwal Gulecha of Bangalore – will further compete with each other at the Final Selections, scheduled in March 2015. The finalist will represent India in the 43rd World Skills Competition (WSC) – referred popularly, as the Skills Olympics – being hosted at Sao Paulo, Brazil on 11-16 August 2015.
Sector Skills Council (SSC) NASSCOM has been appointed by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to spearhead India’s participation at the WSC 2015 for ITSSB skill. Preparations for WSC 2015 ITSSB category is supported by NASSCOM member organizations like NIIT, Microsoft, IBM, Infosys and Web Chutney. On 29th & 30th November 2014 the National Selections were conducted in New Delhi. The event saw 16 nationwide aspirants, compete against each other over a two day intensive selection process. The shortlisted four candidates, now begin their training and mentorship program with the best expert and mentors identified by the IT industry, with NIIT as the Training Partner for the initiative.
SSC NASSCOM has facilitated India’s participation in the WSC 2013 ITSSB category in the past and the candidate, representing India in that category, Sarthak Jain, was awarded a ‘Medallion of Excellence’.
The National Selection of WorldSkills India in the ‘Auto Body Repair/ Body Collision Repair and Car Painting’ category also ended in great opportunities and hope. The 6 winners . Arjun Bind MSSD Nariana Maruti Suzuki, Imran Khan Honda Cars, Pardeep Kumar Hira Automobile Maruti Suzuki in Auto Body Repair/Body Collision Repair and Prajapati Dikesh Kumar Udai Autolink Maruti Suzuki, Sarvesh Kumar Honda Cars, Rohit Kumar Manesar Plant Maruti Suzuki in Car Painting, will be competing at the final selection to represent India at the WorldSkills International Competition 2015 at São Paulo, Brazil. Speaking on the occasion, Ramadorai, Chairman, NSDA and NSDC said, “I am delighted to witness such great skills in our youth. There is huge potential and talent that we see here. The WorldSkills competitions provide a fantastic opportunity to benchmark skills within a country, against the rest of the world. At all levels, competitors are benchmarked against their peers locally, nationally and internationally. The primary aim of the competition is to elevate the level of skills in young people and demonstrate that careers based on the vocational education are viable first choice career options. WorldSkills competitors also act as wonderful ambassadors for their respective trades, their employers and their countries.”
MoLE, ATDC MoU for apparel sector training
A flexi-MoU has been signed between Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India & Apparel Training & Development Centre (ATDC), to provide for a framework whereby ATDC can run employment oriented training to the youth on National Level. The MoU will allow ATDC to run customized courses in association with large apparel export houses and leading domestic manufacturers which shall also be approved by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT), will facilitate the candidates to get NCVT certificates.
The MOU will help in three ways, firstly, it will cut short many impediments in nationwide implementation of the skill based programs. Secondly, it will focus on changing technology being incorporated in courses and lastly more focus on longer duration program with support of DGE&T by tuning with industry inputs. ATDC will get freedom in developing such courses wherein theory portion of the courses can be taught in the training centre and practical in the industry .
Special feature of the MoU is that ATDC will ensure employment of 80% of the candidates in a batch. DGE&T has already entered into such MOUs with Maruti Suzuki India Ltd and TATA Motors in Automobile Sector, Labournet in Construction sector, Raymond in Textile Sector, Cadila in Instrument Mechanic sector, Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd in Power Sector. This MOU will compliment DGET and ATDC capabilities to reach and achieve a common goal of skilling India.
NSDC, ASAP skill development initiative for Kerala students
The Kerala Government’s Additional Skills Acquisition Program (ASAP) on December 9 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Skill Development Corporation in Trivandrum.
The Higher Education, General Education and Local Self Government Departments of the Government of Kerala had jointly launched theAdditional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) as a part of the State Skill Development Mission to enhance the employability of students passing out of Higher Secondary Schools (+2) as well as Arts and Science Colleges in the State. The MOU is the culmination of an ongoing partnership between the ASAP team and NSDC in aligning the programs to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), first commenced through the SEEK ’13 summit.
IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council and IEEE Computer Society partner for Software, Engineering and IT Services Courses
IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM (SSC NASSCOM) and IEEE Computer Society have come together to offer skill-enhancement training for five entry-level job roles for the IT-BPM industry. The courses designed by IEEE Computer Society are aligned to the entry-level job roles defined by SSC NASSCOM. The objective is to effectively reduce the skills gap for Indian technology workers just beginning their careers.
IEEE Computer Society developed the courses and training material to provide necessary training for engineers with zero-to-two years’ experience. The ‘Engineer Trainee’ and ‘Software Engineer’ courses will be offered for the Engineering Research and Development segment; ‘Engineer Trainee’ and ‘Software Developer’ courses will be offered for the IT Services segment; and the ‘Software Developer’ course will be provided for the Software Product Development segment.
The training will be provided by IEEE Computer Society-trained and IEEE-approved Registered Education Providers (REPs) based throughout India. Those candidates completing the courses and clearing the assessment will receive a certificate for that particular job role.
“We are very pleased to partner with the SSC NASSCOM to provide our global and time-tested education and training resources in furtherance of India’s impressive campaign to raise education and training levels to create a new generation of highly skilled workers,” said Angela Burgess, IEEE Computer Society Executive Director. “We look forward to contributing to this goal however we can”, she added.
IEEE Computer Society delivers a wide breadth of education and training resources for the technology profession. The Computer Society’s Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) provides an authoritative and trusted definition of the software engineering profession. The Computer Society produces the SWEBOK Certificate Program, consisting of four learning modules and dozens of professional development courses to provide advancement opportunities for the computing field.
RIET, Jaipur and TSSC collaboration for skills
Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology (RIET) Jaipur, one of the renowned Engineering and Management Institution in Rajasthan, has become the first technical institute to provide soft skill training in association with Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC). In this regard, RIET has signed an exclusive MoU with TSSC.
These technical courses will create ample job opportunities for all potential aspirants from Rajasthan and other parts of the country. The courses will provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge about every aspect of the telecom industry and make them eligible through their certification, to face all challenges in future.
Government promises to transform India into a connected knowledge economy offering world class services at the click of a mouse will be implemented in phased manner by 2019, including projects run both by telecom and electronics departments. So, there will be a huge demand for skilled professionals for jobs both RIET and TSSC will mutually find out the skills in order to match industry requirements to provide greater level of the, on-the ground training experience.
TSSC will also provide the necessary support through guest lectures and arranging mid-term and extended internship projects for the students to gain experience on real-time data, projects and research papers at TSSC.
Only Women Job Portal v-pact.com
Only for women, a new job portal www.v-pact.com was launched in Hyderabad recently by Michael Mullins, Consul General of USA and Prof Richard D’Aveni, renowned strategist and management guru on the sidelines of a Seminar organized by All Ladies League.
Women constitute approximately 50% of the total adult population in the world. Yet, in terms of opportunities, they face several challenges particularly relating to gainful employment. There is a need to provide remunerative and flexible opportunities to women to make a more satisfying use of their time, thereby promoting the well-being of the society as a whole. Essentially, V-PACT ‘s goal is to provide a platform that will enable women to access part-time employment opportunities, either on an assignment basis or on an hourly basis, so that they become economically productive members of the society informed Shilpa Rao, whose brain child is the portal.
V-Pact.com is a platform dedicated for providing job opportunities to women professionals within India and across world Shilpa Rao informed
She said, “ALL being first-of-its-kind international women chamber, is a perfect platform to launch a portal like V-pact.com. V-pact.com is a portal only for women and serves a purpose of women empowerment. We are dedicated to provide correct job opportunities to women professionals within and across India.”
V-PACT aims to provide part-time employment opportunities for women, who have professional skills, but are unable to take up full time employment. The service is provided using a web-based portal that brings potential employers and women, looking for part-time employment opportunities, together onto a common platform. The part-time employment can be either assignment-based or on the basis of a specific number of hours per week/month. V-PACT seeks to act as a bridge between such skilled women resources looking for part-time work, and potential employers seeking to fill critical gaps in their staffing.
The site is under testing and will go fully functional very soon, she informed. The launch and interactive session was attended by Seema Kumar, Hyderabad Chapter Chairperson; Shalini Sharma & Kamini Saraf, Founder, Angasutra; Jayesh Ranjan, I.Venkat, Anil Kumar, Dr. Harebeen Arora, Global Chairperson of ALL and some eminent personalities across the country.