Home Admissions Admissions open: New Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at FLAME University from July 2020

Admissions open: New Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at FLAME University from July 2020

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FLAME University, Pune with the goal of creating next generation of high impact entrepreneurs through its new one year Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (PGP EI) is inviting applications for the intake beginning July 2020.

Postgraduate Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is a one-year full-time residential program located on the beautiful FLAME University campus in Pune. A range of merit-based scholarships to the best performing candidates at the time of admission are awarded in the form of partial to full fee waivers.

The selection process for the program includes an application form, statement of purpose, personal interview, and an entrance exam amongst other parameters. Recently graduated students, young professionals with one or two years of experience and corporate intrapreneurs looking to launch high impact ventures are well suited for this program. Next-generation family business entrepreneurs who are motivated to scale and diversify existing family businesses can benefit from this program.

Applications are received and evaluated on a rolling basis. Personal Interviews are conducted on campus and across major cities in India. To Apply Visit:apply.flame.edu.in.

The distinctiveness of the program lies in the rigour of its practice component and experiential focus that guides participants from ideation to venture creation. Participants will interact and learn from successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors while the courses will be taught by a portfolio of industry experts and renowned faculty from FLAME University and global schools.

“India’s next wave of growth will be driven by the increasing number of new age entrepreneurs. From expanding traditional family run businesses to setting up unicorns, the Indian start- up ecosystem has never had it so good. India has no dearth of talent, what we need is to channel their ideas and efforts into ventures that have the potential to grow and generate wealth and employment. We also require people who will combine business goals with a social purpose,” said Prof. Dishan Kamdar, Vice-Chancellor, FLAME University.

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