Home Apps AHAGURU app adds free online courses for underprivileged students

AHAGURU app adds free online courses for underprivileged students

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AhaGuru, an after-school online IIT+JEE+NEET coaching institute in Chennai has added  a Free Math and English Program  as new features on its AhaGuru App for making it freely accessibleto poor children.

AhaGuru, in collaboration with an education non-profit organization, Aid India, is now reaching effective learning content to children in villages in various districts of Tamil Nadu. Aid India volunteers have identified around 500 children in villages whose parents/relatives had Android phones, and have helped them download the app.

Math courses with concept videos (in Tamil), solved examples and practice exercises help children from remote locations learn from expert teachers. The English reading and speaking lessons help in building confidence and skills. Apart from the above, Aid India mentors will be available to support and guide the children by answering their doubts over Whatsapp. The children keep in touch with their mentors and share their progress and feedback on a regular basis.

AhaGuru invites any school, teacher or volunteer, who is in touch with 25+ children between Std. 5 and 8, to enrol themselves in this program. AhaGuru will then assign a school code to the students to access the lessons that will help mentors to keep a track on students’ progress and outcomes.

Commenting on the new features of the AhaGuru app,  Gomathi, Director, AhaGuru, said, “This is a critical time for all of us, especially for students are missing out on their learning.  We have not only made changes in our technology to serve underprivileged children, but have also made available interesting and simple courses for learning Math and English. We are confident that this initiative will help children from poor families build their skills and confidence.”

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