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XAHR International Conference: HR irreplaceable as people management critical to businesses

An International Conference on the theme ‘Organisational Metamorphosis for Innovation, Inclusion and Agility’ by Xavier School of Human Resource Management (XAHR) on 28th-30th January, 2019 in the Xavier City Campus witnessed the participation of student-teacher community of the Xavier fraternity, as well as eminent speakers from academia and various industries in the domain of Human Resource. Keynote session of the …

Turbulent revival of Allahabad University dogged by controversies

Allahabad University : a sequel of controversies The fourth among the first universities set up under British rule, Allahabad University (esb 1887), once famously called as the ‘Oxford of the East’ for its academic excellence and vibrant campus culture, is struggling to regain its lost glory. Made a central university( An Institute of National Importance)  again in 2005 with the …

Education doesn’t find due mention in Interim Budget 2019

Barely two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  Pariksha Pe Charcha where he tried  to reach out to students, youth and parents over exam stress and related issues , the interim budget presented by his government on February 1 didn’t show a similar inclination as education has been almost omitted from budget vocabulary.    Writing in the Indian Express, Ashok …

3-day XAHR International Conference 2019 from today

XUB is hosting a three-day conference, “Organizational Metamorphosis for Innovation, Inclusion and Agility” on January 28th-30th, 2019, and will witness the participation of various stakeholders of the Xavier fraternity, including students from the diverse schools operating under XUB, as well as stalwarts from the Human Resource industry. The business world of today is buffeted by technological, legislative and social changes which can …

First International Day of Education: Safety, Sensitivity & System—all challenges for Girl Education in India

January 24, 2019 is a historic day as this day marks the first UN-designated International Day of Education. In India, the day was also celebrated as the National Girl Child Day as it is also the fourth anniversary of the girl child empowerment initiative. On this occasion the alliance of three voluntary group networks –Right to Education Forum, Campaign Against …

Xavier Meet’19 celebrated the spirit of togetherness, sports

Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB) in collaboration with Sportscom, the Sports committee of XUB hosted the very first edition of Xavier Meet – a Jesuit Sports Extravaganza, from 18th-20th January 2019 at the Xavier City campus. The sports fiesta is a planned rotating event, where every year, a new Jesuit B-school hosts the event. This year, XUB organized the 3-day event …

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